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Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Not gonna consider this beaten until I defeat *spoiler*

Updated about 9 years ago

Dungeon Keeper
The Avatar is dead. Long live the Avatar.

Updated about 9 years ago

Fantasy Life
Expert Paladin/Blacksmith. Should probably work on my other lives.

Updated about 9 years ago

Legend of Dragoon
Ghosts! Ancient ghosts what don't know they're dead! /no-bark

Updated about 11 years ago

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Game Over. Return of Cecil.

Updated about 11 years ago

Cecilff2's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
69 (U)
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101 (B)
99 (C)
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TI-99/4A C O M P L E T E ! 13 Total
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about 9 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
That really sucks; you know, people were faking prescriptions to take it when they were healthy, because it's supposed to prevent Anthrax? Great fucking idea, huh? That's actually worse than getting sick from it, if you ask me. I'd much rather be sick as an Uboadog than have that happen to me.

I write my messages backwards, so... uh... see below...

Well, you see, this time of year, it's daylight when I pass it on my way in to work, and night when I'm coming home, which is like turning on and off the lights, so maybe, just maybe... Actually, I'd like an Uboa cat; I'd call it Mewboa, and my cat would roll her eyes at me.

It is mainly user-created levels, and that's always hit-or-miss, but some of them are just spectacular, and the engine is quite solid, so there's a lot of potential. There was one that attempted to recreate Super Metroid. I didn't like it, but still.

Of course of course; paladins are fucking awesome. That... really doesn't sound like a very good combination... Oh, yes; nobody had ever had the balls to make a story like that in a game before, and I've never seen one since, no matter how edgy today's games think they are. I mean, just think: Oersted lost absolutely everything in his life. Can you imagine what that must be like!? Cube's chapter was pretty neat; it played like a Survival Horror game, but one that I could actually handle. I actually really liked every single chapter and its gimmick, but Kung-fu was comparatively boring, because it didn't really have much of one.

Worse, unfortunately; my PTSD was raging so hard yesterday that I spent the first half of my shift shaking and almost running from any sort of physical contact. By the end of the shift, I'd worn myself out - and I called my best friend on my break; she didn't answer, but just hearing her voice on her voicemail message was helpful - and I went numb. Today, it took me 5 hours to drag my sorry ass out of bed; I'd set my alarm and slept in my actual bed, because I can't hear it from my closet, but it wouldn't have mattered, anyway. Go fucking figure. At this very moment, I'm super busy setting up my parents' new computer (by busy, I mean multitasking my ass off to alleviate the boredom of long file transfers), so I'm a bit distracted, but that doesn't always work. So yeah, glad I'm off today.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
That totally sucks. The last time I took an antibiotic was... hm... well, it was over 10 years ago, I'd wager. It was Azithromycin (Zithromax; it wasn't generic at the time), and I got sooooooo sick from it. Best part? I still had my fucking infection by the time it was done. It was about that time that I did the whole "Godzilla giving both middle fingers while walking right back into the ocean, saying, 'nope, nope, nope.' as he disappears from view" thing and taught myself to kill infections without using medicine. I once had a softball-sized infection in my chest and had it completely gone in less than 24 hours. My lady can't take antibiotics, either, because they interfere with her meds, and by that, I mean that they make them stop working. That's some bad shit, so I taught her how to do what I do, and while she has to boost it a bit with some orange juice, she can still obliterate an upper respiratory infection in about 3 days with no medicine. So yeah, we kinda hate antibiotics in this house. As for doing well, I've been all over the map, and I blame it on that fucking blood moon. My PTSD flared up around it, and after that, my body started craving poison (cigarettes, self-mutilation, etc.), and I'm just now shifting from a manic phase; I have no idea what's next, but it's "that time", and I'm already eating everything in sight. I came home at 11pm and made myself a quesadilla and was am still hungry.

I've been thinking about you; there's a Fire Safety Week or something, and the banner is up at the fire station on my way to work. It doesn't have the Uboa dogs, but it still makes me think of, "Mother, what did you DO!?" followed by the link to your photograph of the same banner.

That is very amusing; so bizarre, but so stylish at the same time.

Mine sorta is, too; I've been playing Knytt Stories on and off, but the levels are so short that it doesn't make sense to add them until I've beaten them, because maybe, they'll just suck from the get-go, and I'll just have to delete them right away.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
It was a cloudy day today, and the mood struck me, so I played Yume Nikki 3D again today... and I found him this time. Just a little thanks, because without you, I wouldn't have had the patience to look.
about 10 years ago (edited)

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Watched this the other day and thought you might enjoy it. I was and still am a huge fan of the game, and this Creepypasta is good and... well... creepy, even if the ending's a little cheesy. Enjoy! [Link]
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Just a reminder that FFVFJF is open for Preregistration. If you like challenges, charity drives, and FFV you may want to check it out [Link]

Berserkerrisk can only be attempted by people that preregister!
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Yeah, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon is like a mix between Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64... But it came out before Ocarina.
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Which N64 one did you play? Because both of them are great.
In fact, you should really try the other Goemon games as well. But not the Game Boy one. That one is pretty bad.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
I think that this should explain everything: [Link]

I was pleasantly surprised by what the hacker said was put into this, because I wasn't expecting much of anything until very near the end.
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Well thanks, I guess... :D
Have you played any of his games, by the way?
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
I guess that makes sense, but I didn't know anything about the story, since it isn't mentioned anywhere in the game. That probably would've changed my perceptions a great deal.

I have played it; it was entertaining for a while, but I couldn't really get into it for long.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Huh. I didn't recognize either of those songs, but you, sir, are a jerk. Now, I have to go back in and find him myself, and I'vev already been going through heavy withdrawal.

Also, I watched .flow; I didn't find it all that unnerving, but it was interesting. Not as good as Yume Nikki, and seemed very derivative of it. Most of the areas seemed like nearly direct rips, but it was a lot more gameplay oriented, which, to me, says that the author has played Yume Nikki, but didn't quite understand it. Interesting experiment, but doesn't quite measure up to the original, in my eyes.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Oh! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

I can't stream that kind of stuff; my poor little Internet can't handle it. What kind of game is it? Is it Rhythm? Platformer? Sandwich Simulator!?

Hadn't realized that it was your channel, and said to myself, "Oh, shit! Cecilff2! I think I know that person!" It is pretty good, though, I must admit.

Sorry I don't have anything to share, though; I've been all about Wild Arms, lately, but eventually, I should be getting to Ib, and I will definitely give you a full report once I do.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Radiation's Halloween gets a lot less uncomfortable in the second half, but makes up for it by getting downright weird. The ending is... Well, you'll have to see it for yourself, but it's been the cause for one of my fixations for a while now. Oh, well, I'll keep that in mind, and when you do play it, please let me know if you find Uboa. Poniko's room has a light switch, and I didn't find him, but maybe I just wasn't patient enough.

I'm always up for something that's fucked up and disturbing; I'll give that a look. Of course, I still also have to check out Middens, Risk of Rain, Brothers: A Tale of 2 Sons, and The Dinner, and I'm pretty sure that you're the one to have recommended all of those to me... Next on the agenda, though is Palette.

Scorch & Torch was okay; it sounded like a lot of other Donkey Kong Country songs. Big Top Bop was pretty cool; I didn't care for the melody too much, but it had a really nice variety of colors for a rock song. I felt the same way about Amiss Abyss as I did the first song, but it has kind of a nice atmosphere to it; like a late evening over a snow-covered landscape, when you get reds, yellows, and light greens in the sky.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
So, I played Yume Nikki 3D today, and I don't know whether or not you'd like it. It isn't a 3D version of the original Yume Nikki, like I'd thought, but rather an entirely new game. It's pretty short, and goal-oriented; it took me less than 2 hours, and it tells you right away that your goal is to find the 6 effects and 3 keys. It's definitely not dark or creepy, aside from a few short areas, but it is still mysterious. It focuses more on the endearing elements of Yume Nikki (kinda reminds me of the first Wallace & Gromit animation; the one where they go to the moon), and does still have those dead-end rooms that exist only to be discovered, having no functional purpose. I do recommend it, though, even if only because it wouldn't be a large waste of your time, even if you hate it.
about 10 years ago

Backlog Beaten: August 21, 2014
Backlog Completed: September 27, 2014
Legendary Weapon: 5 or fewer unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Nope; my skin remained completely free of exploding battery acid. That's very cool, though, and I do remember seeing Amano's artwork and wondering what that one thing was. Turns out that it was Quina.

OH! Played a really disturbing hack that you'd probably love; it's Earthbound: Radiation's Halloween. It starts out like your typical "dicks, drugs, and toilet humor" hack, but once you go through a certain door in the sewers... Well, let's just say that I saw things that made me a little uncomfortable. It wasn't Suicide Mouse bad, but it was definitely up there.
Ever climbing Mt. Ordeals