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Shining Resonance Refrain
On the second chapter. Tony Taka's art is so good.

Updated about 4 years ago

A Bug's Life
Leaving the ant colony. This game is just as hard as I remembered ahhhh.

Updated about 4 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
I can finally replay this. Hopefully I get farther this time.

Updated about 4 years ago

Freedom Planet
Playing the green one. Pretty cool so far.

Updated about 5 years ago

Limited Run physical copy.
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Chapter 5

Updated about 5 years ago

Sengoku Basara HD Collection: Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes JPN
Only have to max out and run through the tournament with a few more characters.

Updated about 5 years ago

Fire Emblem: Three Houses
I chose the Blue Lions. The exploration is very different but nice.

Updated about 5 years ago

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Taking it slow this time, searching for collectibles. Screw all the multiplayer trophies.

Updated about 5 years ago

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about 4 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games

Ugh, don't even get me started on isekai. I know I'm supposed to do the three episode rule but I gave up on DanMachi after the first episode... There are some other isekai I wanna try before giving up on the genre (Re:Zero, KonoSuba, etc.) but that just gave me such a bad first impression, and the fact that it's pretty popular is just depressing. I'm sure there's generic crap like that getting anime every season and Japan just continues to eat it up, while great stories like HakoMari get nothing. I don't get it at all.

i do like and follow Overlord, but it's more an exception than anything else, there's way too many of these series. It's not like just isekai shows exist, but the absurd quantity of them is just oversaturation on oversaturation, the breaking point hasn't been reached yet, but i hope we'll get to it before soon. It's just exausting.

As to why, i think it's a simple case of being the perfect "escapism show", as they take off any worry and connection to a growingly darker reality, put you into a world of fantasy but also videogames, where you're skills aren't useless, but actually essential to win the day and grow a harem, because these things are mainly made with "generic anime male dude" as the intended watcher.

And overall anime audiences aren't that different from the binging crowd (or even most moviegoers), so yeah, they don't exactly tend to have high desires or standards for "consumption".

Didn't even heard about HakoMari, googled it, seems interesting!
about 4 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
What a relief that MAPPA is behind it, Yuri on Ice is one of my favorite anime. I actually finished Dorohedoro shortly after I asked lol and I thought it was pretty good! If the adaptation turns out well I'll definitely make others watch it, it'll be fun to see the reactions of people exposed to the twists/weirdness for the first time. :p
So far many people are loving it, they just needed to be exposed to it, i mean, the reaction to the Noi unmasking is telling, and it's quite fun to see newbies try to digest how the hell can this be actually a shonen with friendship and trust as the main message, when even the protagonists are creepy masked gimp murderers that go around slaying (and "Cayman-french kissing" random magicians without any remorse. But they are the best of friends, that blonde girl and the lizardman!

I've actually been stalled on anime lately too, I only have one episode of Fruits Basket to go but just can't seem to finish it lol. I've only been watching the weekly episode of Daiya no Ace... I did try Yuru Camp though! Only two episodes in so far but pleasant from what I've seen. lol the Zombieland collaboration at least makes more sense than the one between Golden Kamuy and Spider-Man Far From Home. No idea what the connection is there. Which reminds me, just another show I have to check out lol.
Actually this season i've done a much better job than usual, as i'm following Room Camp (the short series spin-off of Yuru Camp) and Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, which is brilliant so far (i'm at episode 3), funny and embued with a pure love of animation, his processes, his hurdles and challenges. Great voice acting, the trio is a perfect comedy act, and the opening is so damn charming. So glad i decided to see this right away and not wait until it's finished.

Do you have a favorite writer, or a bunch because you can't choose like me? :p
hard to say, but i respect immensly Gen Urobuchi brutal style, and it's versatily, passing from Lovecraftian inspired horror vn like Saya No Uta, to majou shoujo deconstruction, and even to do a wuxia saga with puppets. He also did write the entire anime Godzilla trilogy, and i feel it's not appreciated enough, despite being an interesting (if sub-par animated) take on the formula, with a final resolution that few would have even dared, especially not when given franchise treasured as the Godzilla's. Bold stuff.
about 4 years ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I hope you had a good Christmas and a good new year. Work was hell on Christmas Eve, but luckily I got Christmas and the next two days off. I definitely needed it, my brain was pretty fried after my shift on Christmas Eve. People are fuckin' assholes around the holidays if you don't have what they want.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I wish Like a Dragon had the old gameplay, but I'm willing to try it, and they did say that they'd go back if the new gameplay bombs. I'm just kind of worried that if it does, it might kill the series in the West for the second time.

Yeah, Angel Island Revisited is a fangame, Sonic 3 Complete and Sonic 2 Delta are ROM hacks. Sonic Gaiden (not the ROM hack, there's a fangame named Gaiden) also looks good, along with Triple Trouble and Chaos obviously, and Z-Treme will be totally new because it's based on the cancelled X-treme from Genesis then 32X then Saturn.

The main thing I'm trying to get for my PC is more RAM, 16GB isn't really cutting it anymore...though really, I only want it to play Yakuza Kiwami 2 on PC, and that's coming to Xbox One too anyway, so...maybe I'll have a reason to play Xbox One? That and Kiwami/0...though those run fine on PC, Kiwami 2 runs at minimum settings because it's on the new engine and my video card is the min it runs with. Also it should run better with 32GB, I'd think.

Oh yeah, I hacked my Genesis Mini, meaning I have games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles (and Sonic 3 Complete) on it, and others. Supposedly the next update will allow you to play RetroArch games on the stock UI, meaning I can play Game Gear/Master System games from the main menu, so I can see the boxart and stuff. I also got my cousin a Genesis Mini for Christmas, and sent him the link to hack it, though I'm not sure that the hack supports Macs yet. I sure am pretty mad that Sonic 2 Delta doesn't play properly on it, though.
about 4 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I dunno, the original RE2 is one of my all time favorite games, I've streamed it plenty on the Dreamcast and gotten a sub 2 hour time on September 9th, but I guess either I didn't like the remake as much as I thought I would in some regards or I just reallllly liked Judgment. I mean, Yakuza games are my #1 IP, and while not a mainline Yakuza game, it's a lot closer to a mainline game than say, Fist of the North Star, and I do really dig murder mysteries and that whole thing. Remember how I said I really liked Perry Mason? That's probably the main reason I like such an old show so well. Actually, recently I've started watching Murder She Wrote, Matlock, and Columbo too, so I'm pretty much all in for those types of shows/games. But...I don't see myself playing the Danganronpa games or the Zero Escape games any time soon if ever. In part because I just don't like VNs, in part because I've heard some of the parts are...really dumb. I'd gladly play Ace Attorney, but the VN-ish does put me off and keep me from playing it. Yakuza generally has a lot of text, but it's broken up and actually has good gameplay, so I don't mind at all, but VNs...generally I don't play those, too much text. I don't even really like watching them. I can probably count the number of VN LPs I've actually paid attention to the whole way through on one hand. Toejam & Earl was super fun in co op, even if it had some issues on PS4. I was surprised that when I played it on Steam with some other people, it gave me a loooot of achievements, and unlocked Hard for me even though I died on like Floor 18 or so. Cat basically a game about cats that's kinda action RPG, I guess. You have sidequests, dungeons, and abilities you can unlock/magic. Watch an LP if you're interested. I think the second game has co-op, but I played it solo.

Working out sucks, but not as much as dieting. I doubt I could do that, and seeing my dad try several over the years and barely make any progress makes me...ehhh, super iffy on them. I do get a lot of workout at work, but I think chocolates and ice cream cancel it out, and then some. I've probably doubled my weight from 15 years ago, and then some.

Yeah, most ofmy wishlist are translations for old games, mainly Saturn stuff. There is some stuff for PS4 and Switch, but mainly Sega stuff. And Darksiders, that sounds fun, and I really liked the first game. Also Panzer Dragoon and House of the Dead, YES! Streets of Rage 4 too

about 4 years ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
(PART 2)

I did managed to watch the first episode of that other show from the director of Kemono Friends 1 season/incarnation, Kemurimusa, i stumbled upon it while browsing Amazon Prime Video, and i can see why at first glance most people weren't actually that impressed or intrigued: identical animation style, same vague post-apocaliptic setting with humans that are scarse or missing overall, with the protagonists fighting monsters that they know very little about (here weird insectoid robots instead of Ceruleans). That without the "moe-animal humans" designs.

would LOVE it if we got some Naoki Urasawa anime out of this nostalgia wave, like 20th Century Boys... It's too good to never get an anime. ;__; I wouldn't mind a new anime adaptation of Hokuto no Ken either since the original anime just looks so ancient... If JoJo Part 1 is from the 80s and can get such a pretty anime, why not HnK?? As for City Hunter, I've seen it getting a lot of merch now thanks to the new movie, but I've never seen the original anime. I haven't seen a lot of the classics.

Yeah, i would be interested in seeing more Naoki Urasawa anime adaptations, it would be interesting to see how they go around with a Billy Bat anime, especially for the first chapters. I think we might see more Hokuto No Ken for it's 40th anniversary in 2023, but who knows, it's a very beloved series and they might not need to wait for any anniversary in order to justify a new series following the original storyline with updated visuals.

'll definitely watch Yuru Camp once I get caught up on Daiya no Ace, your endorsement of it makes me really curious lol. And I've actually been watching a lot of slice of life lately, it's a really easy genre to get into. I'm behind on so many shounen but they feel like such an investment in comparison (Boku no Hero Academia, Promised Neverland, Kimetsu no Yaiba are just a few I have to get to)

i really feel that, i'm too old to bother with every new shonen series that comes out, i guess. before the 2nd season of Yuru Camp, next year we'll have Room Camp, a spin-off. Gonna watch it fo' sure.

City Hunter: Private Eyes was kinda made more for nostalgia and relaunching the series (movie itself was alright, with some flaws, but alright), which even got a fuckin isekai spin-off. But unlike the DB one about a Dragon Ball reincarnated as Yamcha (which was short, not even a volume), this one has more volumes planned... i don't how, and i frankly don't care.
about 4 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Dorohedoro is getting an anime?! Wow, I wonder what studio will get behind it because a good studio could really make it a big deal. This reminds me that I have to get back to reading it. How did you like the manga's ending? Was it conclusive? (And speaking of studios, really a bummer that WIT won't be animating Shingeki no Kyojin's final season. The story's pretty good but the animation and music really elevated the series. I hope it doesn't go the way of One Punch Man.)

Yeah, it's one of those "3D CG" ones, but worry not, finally most studios managed to get how to make anime this way, and MAPPA is behind it, the trailer is promising. About the Dorohedoro manga ending, it was good, i think (i don't know if it ties up all subplots and shit, i would have to read it again from start to be sure), it was surprisingly straightforward, but given how many plot points and weird revelations kept piling up in the narrative, it's a good choice. Q Hayashida also started a new manga, Dai Dark, still have to get started on that one.

What other shounen series are you keeping up with? I've never heard of Dungeon Meshi but the premise definitely sounds unique, I'll put it on my list! I started rewatching One Piece from the beginning with someone who's never seen it before around the middle of Dressrosa (I think Zoro was fighting Pica? I know it was definitely after Doffy dropped the cage) and that rewatch kinda got stalled around Enies Lobby so I'm really behind. I hear such good things about Whole Cake Island and Wano though!
None, i started reading Chainsawman some months ago, it starts well enough, but after 10 chapters i just.. didn't read more, and i didn't bother with pretty much any of the new ones, i think i might like Kimetsu No Yaiba, heard the anime is good, even better, but so far i just don't have the time to catch up.

Likewise, when i caught up with the second Attack On Titan season... i just never bothered to continue it, no particular reason (and yes, i know about THAT absurd and deserving controversial twist). I don't watch much anime lately, i tried to follow Africa No Salaryman but never went past episode 2. And i never got around to see and review Zombie Land Saga, which oddly enough got a collaboration with Zombieland 2: Double Tap in Japan, because. XD
about 4 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Yeah, that's the one reason I'm not sold on Phantasy Star Online 2. Sure, it's great that it's finally coming over, but I'm not positive that I'd want to play it. I'm probably more likely to play it than World of Warcraft, though, I guess, since it's a Sega IP...but from what I played of like Phantasy Star Portable on PSP, which I think is closer to PSO gameplay, it just doesn't really appeal to me much.

I think everyone thought it was a joke, and I was pretty disappointed at first, but I mean, I love most RPGs, and Yakuza already was kind of an RPG with the level progression, sidequests, and equipment. Yeah, it won't feel the same, but I'm definitely very open minded to it and more than willing to try it. It'd be kinda nice to have a change after like 7-8 games on the same gameplay, and all but two (and Judgment) with the same engine. Speaking of Judgment, you should play it, especially if you love Ace Attorney.

I played Freedom Planet on Steam a few years ago, I think I actually won it in a Backloggery Marathon raffle. It's pretty neat, but the story's kinda...not great, and I still prefer say, Sonic Mania. Have you played Sonic 3 Complete or Angel Island Revisited? If not, you should definitely check them out. That Yooka Laylee platformer looks pretty neat, especially given how much I didn't care for the first game.
about 4 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I felt like I should do something different this year. Speaking of, I probably should change it back now that it's November. I wonder when I should switch to my Xmas theme, probably the beginning of December. I was thinking of doing Tails Doll, but I honestly never played much Sonic R, I actually never owned it on Saturn, which is surprising considering how much of the library I own and how many Sonic games I have. I've played it before on Sonic Gems Collection, though.

The PS4's touch sensitive shit is annoying, but honestly I accidentally set off my 360 by far the most, then probably my Xbox One. PS4 is actually probably at the bottom of that list, but I still hate touch sensitive buttons. I'd probably be more pro physical with games if I had more physical space for them. My Saturn and Sega CD games HAVE to go in a specific place, the top shelf of my 5 shelves, no other place, because the longboxes don't fit anywhere else. Also, I have a huge PS4 collection, and Switch is starting to get surprisingly big.

That was....probably at least 15 years ago. First was 110 or so to 150, then 180, then now about 200. I guess I've kinda just accepted it at this point, in a way, I guess in part because I just fucking hate trying to eat healthy and stay in shape. Much more into the fat girl life. I keep at least two tubs of ice cream quarts in my freezer at any given time and two or three big bags of candy shareables from work. Definitely a HUGE reversal from like 20 years ago when I was literally under half my current weight.

My back's been fucked up for a long time, mostly due to my old job with being made to move heavy and awkward (usually 50-75 pound) objects without any help. It's gotten better in the past two years, mainly cause I had some physical therapy and electroshock on it, which actually wasn't nearly as scary as I imagined it'd be. Right now, it has its good days and bad days. Most of the time I actually do better with it on my work days, if you can believe that.

Yeah, apparently everyone reversed course when they announced Diablo IV and Overwatch 2...and the new WoW expansion, I guess. Diablo IV is hands down the best out of the three they announced and definitely the only one I'd play. I was never really in the boycott camp, but what they did was still a colossal fuck up and definitely did make me nowhere near as excited for their future games, but D4 actually looks better than 3 so far, for the most part.
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Yeah, a console with more than 1 disc slot would be cool, a big downside of having such a big PS4 library is swapping out discs all the time. Call me lazy, but I actually don't mind digital games as much as other people because that means that I just don't have to swap out discs. Sure, physical games are great, given the chance, but sometimes I don't really mind digital. Of course, if the store goes down, that's a problem, but in my experience, you can still play the games if they're delisted, so eh.

Well, there's no denying it anymore. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if gaining 10-20 pounds from when I saw that sliding scale at the doctor was right on the money. I'm not even sure how upset I should be, or if I should've known this was inevitable. Certainly a far cry from being underweight at 80-90 pounds in middle school/9th grade.

Last night was fun. I sneezed in bed and my back just died. It hurt like a motherfucker to sit up and get out of bed. Being old sucks. I ended up not getting very much sleep, yet somehow I managed to function pretty well at work. I mean, I've done a 9 hour day on 5 hours of sleep before.

Eh, people think the Sega Ages Switch games are selling better here because Japan's already gotten Sega Ages stuff three times already (Saturn, PS2, and PS3). Anyway, I don't bother with setting up a Japanese credit card for import Switch eShop games, I just get pre paid games off PlayAsia, much easier, but I think it's slightly more expensive. Only like a buck or two, though.

I think I heard about some service mashing all your game libraries together, maybe Discord or something? I dunno, I barely am serious about PC gaming. I am getting the Warcraft III remaster, though, definitely. I can't believe people were sitting in queue lines for WoW Classic for like hours, some even skipping school/work in case they got in or something. Crazy.

Well, I've played and beaten Yakuza 3 before, but it's been nearly a decade. So far, it seems okay, the new translation is definitely great. I have no gotten to any substories yet, mainly waiting on my capture card problem to get sorted out to get back to playing it.

What do you think of Yakuza Like a Dragon? RPG battles! Kart racing! I was a bit hesitant at the change from beat em up combat, but it's been like eight games with the same style, and you could go for worse things than an RPG battle. The Dragon Quest references sound amazing.

I also grabbed the Shenmue III CE on LRG
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games

Your description of New Game sounds a lot like Is the Order a Rabbit? Which I tried and couldn't get into. Just maybe too cute for me lol. Which I realize sounds hypocritical from someone who would list Love Live! as a favorite. :p I'll maintain my stance that Love Live! is a masterpiece and will die on that hill. Though the sequel series with the new group was pretty disappointing...
I didn't see that one, but i feel they basically belong in the same "anime food group", since the emphasis on the "cute/moe". One that was cute but holded together by substance and some attachment to reality is Yuru Camp. I LOVE that one (so much i actually preordered a figure, it's rare for me to do so), it's super comfy and happy, but not too saccharine, if you like slice of life anime, i recommend it with full force.

Can't vouch for Love Live anime series, i watched some of the short 3 minutes episodes of Idolmaster, but not much else. I do plan to watch and review Zombi Land Saga for this october, though.

It's a shame what happened to Kemono Friends since we last talked. Seeing merch for it just sickens me because the people who created it are the ones who managed to connect to the viewers (as weird as it was), but they wouldn't see any profit from it. Funnily enough, Scooby-Doo was one of my childhood obsessions (I vividly remember repeatedly renting the Zombie Island movie from Blockbuster lol). I didn't realize how simple it was until I was older, and even still I have a soft spot for it... How interesting that its survival could be considered a miracle. :O

Yeah, the series just disappeared from discussions, and by the time Kemono Friends 2 came around (after the whole debacle with the director of the first season of Kemono Friends getting shafted for the 2nd season).. i didn't hear any discussion around it. People just stopped caring, be it for the change of director and studio, be it for the passage of time between seasons (and how quickly "the discussion" dies nowadays). Then again, they did bring over the Kemono Friends Picross (which i devoured)... and announced Kemono Friends 3... which is an arcade game. OK?

on the Scooby Doo front, Zombie Island did recently get a sequel made or already out, so there's that!

about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
HI! I didn't forget, i don't remember the exact words but i remember.

Don't worry about the delay, i can't (and won't) criticize anyone for that, at all. XD

i've not been keeping up with the new series as far as actually watching them (besides Magical Senpai, saw some episodes of that, it's ecchi fanservice garbage, but in a kinda charming way, it's honest, at the very least), but i've finally finished Dorohedoro (the last volume took a long time to be localized here in Italy), and i can't wait to see the anime series it's getting.

Im keeping up with One Piece (both online scans and printed volumes) and some other shonen series, but i'm really enjoying Dungeon Meshi the more i read it, such a lovely and well balanced mix of old fantasy tropes (with videogamey aspects), comedy, drama and cooking show/comedy. I would be surprised if the upcoming anime adaptation doesn't make it go big.

Have you watched any anime/read any manga lately? I only recently got back into that world, and am remembering why I loved and also why I was annoyed with it. :p
For the better and the worst, it comes with the territory, so to say.

I think it's interesting that you didn't like FMA too much since it's actually the highest-rated anime on MAL (which took me by surprise). I'm not crazy about it either. I did enjoy both the 2003 series (up until the weird ending) and Brotherhood, but I wouldn't consider them favorites. It just never reached Monster or One Piece levels of mind-blowing. And yes I would also love a Brotherhood-style remake of Soul Eater! If Fruits Basket can get one, maybe someday it will be Soul Eater's time... Especially with how big cashing in on nostalgia has gotten lately.
Thinking back, i should revisit Full Metal Alchemist, because i have a feel i would it enjoy more now, and does some things differently than most other shonen titles, like how it isn't about conquest in a way or another, since Ed and Al aren't trying to become "the automail kings" or something, they just wanna get their old bodies back and atone for a well intented but horrible mistake.

Yeah, with time, we could expect a Soul Eater RMX or something, i just watched (as literally, i watched it in cinemas a few hours ago) the new City Hunter movie, which isn't bad, at all, but it's made for the "nostalgia market" foremost. Damn, even old forgotten series like Karakuri Circus can get new tv adaptations made, so pretty much anything can.

about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Apparently Streets of Rage 4 is coming to PS4 and Switch, and has Adam's daughter, Cherry Hunter, as well as Axel and Blaze (what I named my cat, Streets of Rage and Sonic). I absolutely can't wait, it sounds amazing [Link]

I guess the Panzer Dragoon remakes are coming to other systems now too, after everyone thinking they'd be Switch exclusives. [Link]

It seems like the recent Grandia collection isn't so hot, which is too bad, but we'll see if they improve it through patches...but for now, I'm not buying it and probably just going to play the Saturn translation and replay II on Dreamcast.
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I'm not really bothered that I unhooked my PS3 and probably have no plans to hook it back up since Sonic Generations, Kingdoms of Amalur, and both All Stars Racing games are on Steam, Dante's Inferno and Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands are on Xbox One Backwards Compatibility, and Ni No Kuni and now the Yakuza games are all coming to PS4. No regrets.

Sonic Jam really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, I just like to shit on it because it's really surprising how a system from 1998 or so manages to be SO MUCH worse than the Game Gear, which was like seven years earlier than it. It does have one feature that I really like, the system itself has two cartridge slots, meaning I can have both of my games in at the same time and choose which slot to play off of. From what I've seen, this is the only system to do this. I'm clueless why, it's a great feature, definitely the best thing about the (I guess cost is the only thing I can think of)

I've been going through quarts of ice cream really fast...probably ate a dozen so far at least, and this is just within the past two weeks or so. I went to get an allergy doctor checkup the other day, and they had me get on a scale, and from the looks of things, I'd gained about 10-20 pounds (though to be fair I have very little knowledge about reading those doctor scales with the sliders and shit)

The only time I use the Switch being region free are Sega Ages games, which I've started getting from the Japanese eshop because they release earlier than here, in most cases a few weeks, and even then they usually have one game we don't. We've been playing catch up on them a lot, but I'm just happy we're getting them all this time, and they seem to actually be selling better here than Japan.

Well, I've been playing Diablo games for 20 years, so it's probably just knowing how the games work more than anything, I guess. Also I and II are way harder than III to begin with, so that also probably helps.

Yeah, I had hoped getting this PC and my last one (also powerful, though maybe not as much as this one, but for its time for sure) would get me into Steam games more. I mean, it sort of has, but the bulk of my Steam playtime is probably Yakuza 0 and some other Sega games. I do play a lot of the older Command & Conquer games on Origin. You know, games made before EA bought Westwood and killed them. Bastards
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I think the first time I played Diablo III was on PC as a Barbarian. I've since gotten a few other level 70 characters and even into Paragon levels several times. What difficulty did you play on? Normal mode is a complete joke, I almost never play on anything below Expert, and even that's too easy for me. When the Necromancer DLC came out and I played that, I played the whole game on Torment. I always was too scared to do Hardcore on Diablo II, but I ended up doing a Hardcore Diablo III run fairly easily. I'm going through Diablo II LoD again on Median XL (overhaul mod), and I'm already on Nightmare (second difficulty after beating Normal), and I still have yet to spend any stat points. Before I lost my data, I was doing a run where I trick the AI into thinking there's 8 players, so the monsters get scaled way up in difficulty. I got to Nightmare with that too, but I'd say that was probably much more of a challenge.

Well, my PC didn't actually explode, but my SSD did start actually smoking...somehow, even though I connected the drive when the PC was off like I was supposed to. I forget a lot of the details, but I think I was trying to move over to a 4TB SSD, and I ended up without an MBR drive, and then my SSD got fucked, so then I had no way to recover my data. Oh well, I have everything back already, I just need to redo my progress on some Sonic fangames, which will be easy. This PC should be a lot more powerful too, because it's got 8 cores and 16 with hyperthreading.
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I dunno. Personally, I liked Kiryu a lot, and no matter how it turns out, liking the new guy will probably take a good while, but we'll see on August 29th when we get more info about Shin Yakuza. Honestly, I just want 3-5 PS4, especially now that I unplugged my PS3 for my 3DO.

I got a, 3DO, and Neo Geo Pocket Color recently too. I have RE2 for, but it's so damn bad, I don't even want to finish it. Like, it has no Claire, everything is super slow even for 2.5D so you get hit way too much, there's no Ada/Sherry, there's no cutscenes, and obviously it's in black and white. There probably is more shittiness I'm forgetting, but I'd definitely play Sonic Jam over it...though even that is probably the worst Sonic game I've ever played. The "music" is utter shit, it only has a few very simplistic rendtions of acts from 2, 3, and S&K, no Sonic 1, the screen makes the blue sphere impossible, it's just shit....but it's playable, at least compared to My other worst Sonic games are probably...Sonic Blast for Game Gear, Spinball for SMS/GG (yes, it's different...sorta), obviously '06, and....I dunno, probably Tails Sky Patrol and Lost World 3DS. Probably Boom U (it's not BAD, just...really fucking boring to play), and maybe Shattered Crystal? It kinda pissed me off to play, but it seemed a bit better?

I usually just either get a big pack of gummies, usually 2 actually cause they're 2 for $5, or an oversized XL cookies and cream Hershey bar. Once in a while, I'll get a big bag of Hershey's Kisses. I don't really want to go near the scale cause I know for a fact I've been getting fat

Fuckin' Nintendo...I swear, they only took Pokemon Prism and AM2R down because they got mad that they were better than the games they release themselves. Samus Returns might have been already in the pipeline or they might have done it to counter AM2R and take it down anyway...but I really don't like Samus Returns much, I'd much rather play AM2R, and yes, I did like the original Metroid 2. Why Nintendo "fansites" "report" on hacks in the making is SO FUCKING STUPID. Everyone with a brain knows they'll be taken down, these sites claim to support Nintendo, but they're really just helping them take down hacks and betraying their users who would probably enjoy these hacks.
about 5 years ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I was angry at first that Sonic 3 & K wasn't in the Genesis Classics collection, but honestly between Sonic 3 Complete and Angel Island Revisited (have you played that?), the vanilla version isn't that necessary, really. Speaking of Sonic, there are remakes of two Game Gear games that people are making, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble, two of the games that I grew up on on Game Gear, so I'm super excited. There's also been a project to reconstruct Sonic X-treme called Sonic Z-treme, which I'd probably play on my actual Saturn (I got a modded V Saturn earlier this year, which I already beat Linkle Liver Story on)

There are also translations of all three Lunar Saturn games, including the MPEG version, which means I can use my VCD card, so that'll be awesome. Also, there is Grandia Saturn, which sounds like it's almost done, and has better graphics than the PS1 version, I'm probably more excited for that than the Switch ports, I'm probably okay with the Dreamcast version of 2 as well. On the SMT front, there is the first Devil Summoner for PSP, the PSP version of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, and the two Devil Children PS1 games. All of the Last Bible games are translated now, as is SMT If, and both Majin Tensei games.

Aww, you got Diablo III and already beat it? I probably would have jumped on the chance to co op it with you...though, my work schedule is a bit unpredictable, I don't exactly know it for the next week until the Thursday before, and if I'm off that day, sometimes I have to go in on my days off to take down my schedule. I think the only think I wish about my job is if I had a set schedule. That and I kind of hate faking being happy at work, but I'm kind of used to it at this point, I guess. Screaming kids are also the absolute worst.

My old PC exploded a few weeks ago, and my SSD actually started smoking somehow, so I lost all my data, because somehow my PC wasn't backing up how it was supposed to. The good news is that most of my data was on Backloggery and Twitter, and Steam, you know, in the cloud already. I only lost a few PC game saves, and most of those were games I'd replay anyway, like Diablo 1, Diablo II LoD, Sonic 3 AIR, a Pokemon fangames, and a Sonic fangame. This PC is 8 cores, 16 with hyperthreading, and has I believe 32GB RAM, so I'm ready for any Yakuza PC ports, already got 0-Kiwami 2. Kiwami 2 requires surprisingly high specs.

I moved all my hacks and fangames into the Misc category, under the IP that it is.
about 5 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I think that Ichiban does look kinda meh too, though I'm willing to give him a chance. The prospect of playing a character actually doing criminal things maybe actually sounds kinda cool, I always thought it was kind of a copout that the series is called Yakuza and Kiryu is barely in the Yakuza for any of it, basically only a little in 0 and then a little in 1. The back and forth internal debate that Kiryu seemed to have regarding his feelings about being in the Yakuza marking him for life and he "belongs" there, versus his wish to live a normal civilian life...kind of seemed inconsistent at times, and the two seemed to clash a bit.

Majima is already over 600? How? Is the figure not being made anymore? Holy crap, that's pretty lucky of me, yeah. I have a Kiryu figure, but it's like a figma or something different, and he's tiny, I'd much rather have a figure of him the size of Majima. I also have a figure of Vyse from Skies of Arcadia Majima's size, actually the only First 4 Figures figure that I have, because they're kind of expensive.

Not too much has been going on, I guess. I got a job at a Safeway last November that's been pretty decent so far, it's only like 10 minutes away, so I usually get there at least 5 minutes early. I have hour long lunches, and there's free wifi up in the break room, plus it's air conditioned. We can wear shorts in summer time, which is great, cause up until a few days ago, it's been in the 90s, a few days getting above 100...though the last day before my time off, it was around 75 with a nice breeze, it was great. The only "bad" part is that I have super easy access to chocolate and candy, so I've been getting kinda fat. Well, fatter.

Do you have any interest in the Switch Sega Ages games? I think my favorite one is Phantasy Star, mostly because its Ages mode has an automapper and x4 money and exp, which makes the game fairly easy...though I have played it on my Master System, and gotten fairly far in it. My second probably Sonic 1? The Megaplay stuff was cool, I guess, one act in Spring Yard zone I somehow finished with 0 seconds left on the clock. I'm looking forward to probably Sonic 2 and Space Harrier the most, for Sonic 2 I'm hoping that they include Hidden Palace from the mobile port, it always pissed me off how there were no console ports of that version.
about 7 years ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I dunno, if anything I'd probably actually see the movies with my cousin up in SF. As shitty as that area of the city is, I really liked the theater, they have a no talking rule, they showed some amazing old ads of Spiderman stuff, and they serve food too...although the milkshakes left a lot to be desired, but I never imagined they'd be that good being a movie place. I'm not much of a theater person, there always seems to be either loud kids or loud adults at movies, and I'm kind of tired of it. I go there to enjoy myself and watch a movie, not listen to a bunch of jerks or some kid singing Spiderpig from The Simpsons Movie.

Kiwami 2 is more than likely coming at PSX. The FotNS game....I'm not sure. I'm a tad bit curious, but I also don't want them to bring it over if they give it the Dead Souls treatment when it (probably) undersells compared to the main games. I guess I just like the Yakuza games where you only play as Kiryu a bit more, I'm not a huge fan of jumping around characters' stories, even if you do get to play as Majima in 0. If I started with 4 or 5, I'd probably be more open to the idea, but I started with 1-3.

So what was your favorite part in Kiwami? Could you tell it was originally a PS2 game?
about 7 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Bleh...I came down with the flu yesterday morning, and was up all night last night feeling miserable, I'm wondering when I'm gonna pass out today, usually when I'm up all night I have to force myself to go to bed at a normal hour and not like in the afternoon.

I would like to platinum Yakuza games, but there's no way that's happening. Not only do I not have the patience, mostly, but I just don't care much for trophies anymore. It's pretty cool that you got it, though. I do remember the car chase taking a whole lot of tries on the PS2 version, it wasn't quite as bad for me on Kiwami, but I can definitely imagine that part being hell on Legend.

Yeah, I did have it before...minus the S3&K ghost, that part's new. I want this theme to only last until Halloween is over, I like my new "main" theme far too much. Actually, I'm having another piece drawn by the same artist. I sent them one of my Saturns a few months ago, along with a PS+ subscription a few weeks ago, so I really didn't have to pay anything this time.

Shovel Knight's the first one I've come across like least the one that comes to mind when I think of games that do that. It's just a dumb move, there's literally no reason to disable trophies when you use co op. It's like, the exact opposite of logical. I know the God of War games disabled trophies if you used the cheat items, which is...a lot more understandable, if still a bit lame. I'd definitely be pissed if I got shit for not having the trophies, despite beating the game, mostly because my time at PSNP has taught me that that means the person "cheated" in some stupid way, or I guess it was looked down upon to not have a trophy when you should? I really don't understand it anymore, like, one of my Undertale trophies truly did glitch out, so would I get shit because of a simple glitch beyond my control? Fuck the people there, easily within my top 3 least favorite forums (Gamefaqs being top, maybe PSNP in second? It's a bit hard to think past all the shit that made me hate every fiber of this other forum's being, but I did enjoy it for a few years, I guess, so that's probably third?)

I think my first Sonic game...was...the one that I played first was actually the first game on Master System at a department store when I was like 4, then I played Sonic 2 16 bit at my cousin's in Virginia, then I got a Game Gear with Sonic 2 8 bit, then I got a Genesis of my own with Sonic 2. Never was too good at it until the last 10 years.
rabu raibu