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Mass Effect 2

Updated about 14 years ago


Updated about 15 years ago

Brütal Legend
CAN'T KILL THE METAL (replaying on hard)

Updated about 15 years ago

Time Hollow
why'd no one tell me about this game eh >;o

Updated about 15 years ago

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07/26/09 at 4:59 AM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cheers. Yeah, I like to put subtle little things in there like that. I think the best one of those I've done so far was my WipEout one.
07/25/09 at 7:33 AM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Loving the theme dude, good work. Patapon is an ace game, and one I should probably get back to playing.
07/17/09 at 5:55 AM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Sleep: Not playing anything
Totally playable! The only stumbling block is the game's edit mode (so many options!), but there's a moon language guide for it on GameFAQs.
07/17/09 at 12:08 AM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
I feel the same way about Tales of Eternia. It's not bad, but it's not special either.
07/15/09 at 8:08 PM EDT

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
oshi sup
06/15/09 at 4:21 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Much obliged!

Odin Sphere is pretty sweet, in three up-at-bats, this is the farthest I've made it into the game and I've every intention of finishing it through to the end. It'd take a huge weight off my shoulders and my backlog.

Hope you dig on Prototype. I still wanna pick up the new Red Faction, but aside of KoF XII and Blazblue, I think Im'ma slow down on game purchases for a while.
06/04/09 at 12:23 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
My PS3 doesn't get nearly the play time that my 360 does, but I sure am glad to have one. I definitely encourage the purchase!

In spite of everything I've heard, I just can't get excited about Prototype, so it looks like that one is gonna slip past me. Red Faction: Guerrilla, on the other hand... after having played the single-player demo, I'm super excited to get a hold of that game!
06/03/09 at 11:16 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
I share your concern and hopes for Crackdown 2. But, at least we're getting more Crackdown, I am oh so happy about that!

As far as inFamous? It is very good, I beat the game Monday night and immediately started a second play through. I can't remember the last time I've ever done that in a game that wasn't a fighting game. It has an altogether different feel from Crackdown, even though the same trappings are still in place. Cole can get around just as well as The Agent can, but where the Agent does it by being able to jump 100+ feet into the air; Cole navigates his environment through a lot of neat platforming. The same potential for destruction is present, but rather than fire arms, you have electricity-based powers that substitute in for your hand guns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers; what have you.

The morality system and the mission structure are what sets inFamous apart. inFamous is an all-around more focused experience, the story progresses through clearly-defined missions and how you conduct yourself in them. Restraining yourself from, or conducting massive amounts of wanton destruction as well as the choices you make in missions when presented with them will affect whether you head toward becoming a Hero or Infamous which also has an affect how a couple of your powers work. For instance the rocket-launcher power, if you're on the heroic path you'll be able to upgrade your rockets to lock onto your targets and if you're on the infamous path upgrades to your rockets will add mini-missiles onto them that'll stick to targets after the initial explosion and will detonate a few seconds later. Its a really neat feature that encourages the player to explore both paths.

Suffice to say, I love inFamous. I've been clamoring for an experience like Crackdown for a long while now and inFamous definitely quenched that thirst.
06/02/09 at 7:57 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
The controls do indeed take some getting used to, and about the time you do, the wool gets pulled from over your eyes... in a sense. Trying not to spoil anything, by the time you catch wind of it, I'm sure you'll know what I mean.

I see you're also playing Crackdown now! This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love that game oh so much!
06/02/09 at 1:36 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Lost Planet... is a weird duck. That's for certain. All in all, good game, but still... weird. I hope you get through it!
06/02/09 at 11:13 AM EDT

fever mode is actually really annoying to try and keep. i can get there kinda easily, but as soon as i hit it, the random screeching and light flashes completely throw me off, and i cant concentrate which of course means that i lose fever...which is annoying even moreso now, since im fighting this dragon thing..and the defense song is pretty hard to time when he hits so fast :/
guess i need more archers.
btw: if my soldiers die in a mission but i complete it, do they come back to life?
05/28/09 at 9:50 AM EDT

yep! and the saturn one is still really good...just not quite as much so as the arcade one. but the way my uncle wanted it back, it very well may be a looooong time till i see it again. oh well...
btw, for patapon, i think im stuck. i just beat the first hunting mission, and now im on the first attack of the Zigamons. but i cant beat it at all...i get my axe guys killed WAAAAAAAAAY too fast, and then when they die i cant beat the axe guys in the end of the level..and i cant get any more money since whenever i try the hunting mission now, the animals run off before i can even get a hit in. halp?
05/26/09 at 10:11 PM EDT

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once

I've enjoyed what I've played so far of Patapon.
05/24/09 at 5:35 PM EDT

actually, that one is with my uncle...he gave it to me for a while, at which point i entered it, but he asked for it back around christmas-time
i have yet to put it down as borrowed though..i miss it, the Saturn versions not the same
05/24/09 at 8:25 AM EDT

Yay Patapon backloggery layout! :3
05/23/09 at 11:41 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Hell yeah. Also, I just noticed it says "BackWorld". Pretty clever
05/23/09 at 2:08 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Sleep: Not playing anything
When I get the chance. I usually attempt whatever is thrown at me.

Stupid of me that I can't Perfect the 1st Remix.
05/23/09 at 3:12 AM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Bitchen theme
05/19/09 at 1:02 PM EDT

yeah, but theres always good games to play...even adventure games, despite the fact that their heyday is loong gone. like that new game The Path..thats an adventure game, as far as i can tell, and a spooky looking one at that.

btw,Patapon 2...if ive played neither, which is the best?
05/10/09 at 1:18 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Ah, Far Cry 2. As long as you can stand doing the same three missions over and over and over again this is a solid game. In the end though, the 'FPS meets GTA' thing works, but could have been sooo much better if they'd put more effort into the missions.
Pata Pata Pata Pon!