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Kagetsu Tohya JPN
More Tsukihime? Yes please!

Updated about 13 years ago

Pokemon Black
Wow...That was some ending. Oh well. Time for post-game!

Updated about 13 years ago

Tales of the Abyss
All right, back to Daath. This game really loves backtracking, doesn't it?

Updated about 13 years ago

Super Robot Wars J JPN
Translation has just been released. WILL be playing this soon.

Updated about 13 years ago

Fallout 3
Lookin' for Galaxy News.

Updated about 14 years ago

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
In the Citadel.

Updated about 14 years ago

Persona 2: Innocent Sin JPN
In Club Zodiac.

Updated about 14 years ago

liquidocelot201's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
152 (U)
47 (B)
139 (C)
Wishlist  44 ?         Top-Rated  101 ?????         Master Runs  10 (M)
Wii 5 (U) 5 (B) 0 (C) 11 Total
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Xbox LIVE Arcade 25 (U) 2 (B) 2 (C) 30 Total
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PlayStation 2 17 (U) 13 (B) 35 (C) 66 Total
Nintendo 64 2 (U) 2 (B) 14 (C) 18 Total
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about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Yeah Shoot Many Robots was a ton of fun. Even with barebones weapons and team members it was a ton of fun. And I'm probably not the best Gears correspondent because I love the series so much but you should play them. Such a different brand of fun compared to the First Person Shooters out there.

PAX is definitely an experience. I'd been to other types of conventions before PAX East and I still think PAX was my favorite. Next time we get to it though I'm going to make everything way better though. xD

Well fundamentally they've all had pretty reasonable leaps in the battle systems. Looking at them all, generation 5 actually changed the least, really. It added a lot of new game-changing abilities, attacks, Pokemon and items but didn't offer a groundbreaking new mechanic. 2nd generation introduced genders, hold items, a new split in special attack/special defense and two new types, 3rd generation added abilities, 4th generation made the huge special/physical split and 5th generation changed the exp curve.

I like the community here, too. Such nice all-around people. And RPG players come with the territory. It makes sense though. If we all loved shooters only we'd beat the games in no time. With RPGs we buy one game and it's an 80+ hour endeavor. xD

Ahahah, don't worry about response times. As you can tell I get busy easily, too. xD

Yes, I'm a senior in Massachusetts. I'm going to college up in Vermont, at Champlain College. And for Game Design.
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Maybe my word's not the truest because there are very few games I play and genuinely do not like, but of those I listed I liked all of them. I bought Swarm but haven't played it yet, that looked a lot of fun but I'd call it lower on the list of games I liked there. Shoot Many Robots was amazing; tons of fun with even 3 weapons/sidearms/armor each because the final game is supposed to have over 200 of each which is promising. The Gunstringer was a great Kinect game, and also actually my first one. I can see it being really short but they didn't have a predicted price range for retail on it either. Ms. 'Splosion Man was amazing fun and made me race through 'Splosion Man as soon as I got home--The Ms. was way better, which is exciting. Battle Block Theater I was skeptical of because I love Castle Crashers but it ended up being fun, and a lot more of a party/multiplayer game. I can see that being pretty short though, also. And Gears 3...Oh Dear Lord, I loved it to pieces. But I'm a massive Gearhead, so... xD

Yeah, it's August 26th - 28th, which is earlier than I expected. Now that I realize that, maybe I CAN get to it. Hmm...

I agree, rebattling trainers is really the only inexcusable part of B/W there is, really. But it's such a low blow. >:V

Hmm. I guess I can see your point. But at least each new generation was so radically different in terms of just about everything that it was worth it. Even the Pokemon designs and such with each generation change so drastically. =d

I just think the BL community is funny, a lot of the people here have a lot of the same tendencies and likes/dislikes towards certain systems, games, etc. Same basic preferences. The only thing that sets any part of the community apart is really the little things like favorite games/series or nuances in our organization. xD

Yeah, life just gets in the way of free time sometimes, eh? Sometimes it's better to just look at it that way. Or not. xD

I am in high school still. Senior, as well. =d
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Most booths we at least skimmed at PAX. The big ones we didn't hit were L.A. Noire, Battlefield 3, Call of Juarez, Duke Nukem Forever, Star Wars, Need For Speed and probably a few more I'm forgetting. I'd like to think we hit most everything but in reality we didn't, I guess. And by "we" I mean my friend, who was disinterested in most other games. Maybe next year I'll go on my own to save a little hassle... xD

So I guess to directly answer your question some of the big games we tried out were Gears 3, Shoot Many Robots, Swarm, The Gunstringer, Ms. 'Splosion Man, Battle Block Theater, a few others and, while it's not like it matters anymore, we even got an early taste of the 3DS. =D

It was so much fun and I still miss it to be honest. xD I definitely think that going in solo next year would be better because we went home early on Saturday when we should've stayed for some panels or in the gaming freeplay sections. Oh well. It was my first proper convention though I've been to many other gaming events and I'm trying to think of a way to get to PAX Prime already. xD

Yeah, B/W are great, I agree 100%. Well, other than the fact I'm playing at a MUCH slower pace, but that's for a few different reasons. I got Black and White and I'm already thinking through which Pokemon I want to use and seeing at LEAST 3 playthroughs needed for these titles. But I can also see how they shafted some aspects just to pop them into the third titles. No way to rebattle trainers is probably the biggest but also the obvious lack of Battle Frontier or something else to hold Competitive battlers' attention.

Ahh! But if you focus on Pokemon your Backlog grows!! I truly think one major reason this site exists is RPGs. And more specifically Pokemon has an awful lot to blame for that. xD

Anything else interesting...Hmm...Not a whole lot, I guess. Winding down the school year, a few personal things on my mind but I'll spare you there (But you can find my Twitter feed if you're really interested xD). Aside from gaming I think things seem hectic but only because I'm making them so. And I'm making them so because I like to do things with my time. A funny cycle. :/

The only reason the gaming challenges aren't going any more smoothly is because a few friends decided to let me borrow games all at once. So I've gotta rank up in Transformers, beat Cal of Duty 4 on Veteran and breeze through Hotel Dusk before I get to games I REALLY want to play, sadly. ;-;
about 13 years ago

Aye, it came out a while back. I randomly play it when I'm bored to try and do more of the post-game, as you can see I'm up to 100+ hours in it and still have quite bit left to do in it, lol.

Radiant Historia is quite good, one of the very best games for the DS for sure. Too bad it's becoming so ridiculously hard to find now. Ironically enough, if it weren't for the increasing rarity, I wouldn't have picked it up myself, as I only did to save myself money later down the line. I'm glad I did though, because I really loved the game.
about 13 years ago

Backlog Beaten: Sept 5, 2017
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
It's not difficult. It's a little confusing, and definitely time-consuming, but totally worth it if you're going to be doing any competitive battling.
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Yo! Things are super duper here. Just getting over a sickness, actually, so a few days earlier and I would've said not too hot, but I'm fine now!!

Let's see, for gaming though...PAX this past weekend. That was awesome!! Pretty much riding that experience straight through this week, I miss it so bad. >.< Playing Pokemon though, obviously the big play, and trying to get through some quickies on my Backloggery so I can free up time to crack open a new game or two, which is exciting. =d

How about you? Tried to keep it brief on my end, just to avoid super drawn out responses. >.<
about 13 years ago

Backlog Beaten: Sept 5, 2017
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Life's been awesome. As for the new Pokemon games, they are simply incredible. Definitely get one or both of them.
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I certainly love RPGs, Platformers are also nice. And of course Zelda games~
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
lol I forgot I posted that

But anyway, I've never played any other Tales games, but like I said in my previous post, the demo was just amazing

Also hoping for Vesperia on the PS3, certainly looks good
about 13 years ago

Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Focus: Only playing one game
Ah, yes, Graces has been localized, but it's utterly hilarious how the majority of fans (not including you and I) wanted the port of Vesperia more than an entirely new game. Or that they desired a game that hasn't been released yet, aka Xillia. At least we're hyped for the localization...well, me to a certain extent. I might have to wait out. I mean, I do have the JP of the Wii and PS3 versions. My wallet cannot tolerate anymore abuse, but alas, I'm very eager mostly for the voice actors decision, especially that for my beloved, Hubert Ozwell. Hehe.

Ah, thank you, but I plan on changing it soon. I prefer simple themes than over the top complicated ones, and the artist's style caught my attention. Splendid, I must say. I really do love music!

Oh, by the way, how are you doing so far?
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Tales of Graces f! Yes!

I played the demo from the Japanese PSN, but had no idea at the time that it woul ever come to NA
about 13 years ago

Tales of Graces f confirmed for the States: [Link] awwwww yeah .
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
I did actually enjoy Tron quite a bit. What I didn't enjoy was my not-so-mainstream gaming friends and some who can't formulate opinions for themselves telling me that bad reviews = bad game = waste of time = waste of money. Yeah, I enjoyed it, but no, it was not fantastic.

I enjoy a good challenge. Especially with difficulty spikes in games nowadays.

I'll drop The Last Remnant from the list, but I still have to play it. I bought it at a buy-two-get-one-free sale a while back, so I do have to play it at some point. xP But now I'm thinking Xenogears for X, it was just announced for the North American PSN, and hopefully it'll be within reasonable time to play and beat it next year!

Nozlocke is something I've contemplated using my Pearl version for, actually. =D Maybe I'll get around to it on Pearl and HeartGold, knock out some more while I can!

No problem dood. Sorry it took me a while. I tend to just see these messages and mean to reply but can't bring myself to type it out then and there. ^^;
about 13 years ago

Backlog Beaten: Sept 5, 2017
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Invincible: 10+ beat or complete in a row
Probably won't play FFXIII anytime soon - too many other games to play, and I know that FFXIII's a long one. X-Men, however, I'd be more than willing to play.
about 13 years ago

Happy Holidays, everybody!
about 13 years ago (edited)

Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Focus: Only playing one game
Yes, I'm a long-time fan, and this love for the franchise will never wither, I say. I started with Blue and Red, even though at that age, I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do. I guess I really starting adoring the series when the Hoenn saga came out, aka Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, which the last of the three being my favorite version. I don't get why it gets so much hate...I certainly did enjoy it more than I did with RBY and GSC for sure. This may change when B&W is released, though~

There's so many differences in both versions. I like that. It makes the experience almost fresh, and plus, the new critters look amazing. I love the different artistic design they went, and even though a lot of fans chastise me for saying this, but I even prefer some of these 'mons over to the original 150, especially with Zoroark, Shandera, and Waruvial.

Of course! You're welcome. Isn't awesome? The Elite Four theme is practically one of the best battle themes I've ever heard in a game. To be honest, I prefer this soundtrack to the others, even though the orchestral tunes from Emerald still has my love. Especially the Champion battle and it's remix. Oh, god.

Also, if you like Bel from Pokémon, you should check out the newest anime season titled "Best Wishes". She recently made her appearance and is a rival of Satoshi/Ash. She's so damn cute. Hnnngh.

And on a final note, I've decided to add you. You seem cool, why don't we become friends, neh?
about 13 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
400th game was Tron: Evolution. Shocking because I didn't expect many people her to have guessed that. Moreover, I'm a huge Tron fan and didn't expect anyone to have guessed that either. xD
about 13 years ago

Backlog Beaten: September 2, 2009
Backlog Completed: September 2, 2009
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Eh, not really. I went ahead and hacked the game itself to get myself to the highest rank instantly (well, I'm still short of the THE highest rank, but all it gets me is a helmet I'm not really interested in). Needless to say, I can't ever log on to Reach again without getting banned and/or reset immediately, so all my ventures into Reach from now on will be of the offline variety. Oh well.

As usual, I find it to be loads of fun, but equally as frustrating (although this time around its more because of horrendous lag than anything else). Besides that, all I really have to say is: CURSE YOU RC-XD!

Yeah, I'm still not done with the FeMC route, but at the rate I'm blowing through it I don't think it'll be much longer (I set the difficulty to beginner to get through the tedious stuff more quickly and focus more on the changed plot elements).

Hmm...I see. I may just do that then.

I dunno, can't really place it, but I just felt...dissatisfied with it. When the credits started rolling I was like: "What? That's it?" I think mostly it lacked the sense of closure that I seek in a video game ending. After reading up what happens in "The Answer" it kinda....well, answered some of my questions, but then after that I felt kinda depressed that after all that hard work I put into maxing out those S. Links, the hero just gets the axe like that. Oh well, it strayed a bit from a typical ending and made the main character into a martyr instead of the traditional savior, so I guess I should count my blessings for that. As for P4, I'm debating it. I still have alot on my plate to finish, but if I get the urge to delve into it I'm almost sure I will. Time will tell...
about 13 years ago

Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Focus: Only playing one game
No. I'm patiently waiting for the English release as Nintendo never fails to deliver Pokeman games over, you know? I pre-ordered mine, and well, I'm going with Pokémon Black version. Everyone's going for White as it offers more catching rates, but I like Black better because...well, the more experience it offers, too.

By different, do you mean better? Because I've heard that B&W is probably the best version to date. Perfecto score on Famitsu, too. I spoiled myself, despite of waiting because I'm really excited. Like seriously. Have you listened to the soundtrack? It's amazing. If you don't mind to do so, go listen to these: [Link] [Link] and [Link] The music for this game surpasses the previous ones.
about 14 years ago

Backlog Beaten: September 2, 2009
Backlog Completed: September 2, 2009
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Long story short, I did the Challenge glitch to boost for some credits and got banned for two weeks. I didn't get banned from the game itself, I got banned from earning credits, so no matter what I do for the next two weeks I will not earn credits. And since credits was the only thing I even played the game for at this point (hence the reason for the glitch), I'm basically never gonna pick this game up again for anything other than perhaps a quick run through of the campaign every few months or so, since I don't have the kind of time necessary to get to where I want to be with credits and unlocks by doing it the fair way, it would simply take me too long, and quite frankly I have other games to play with what limited time I have. I don't even get what the big deal is, since the only thing the ranks serve as is milestone markers in credit earnings, and the only thing the credits can be used for only affects the game cosmetically. So I'm gonna bid the Halo series adieu and go back to Call of Duty.

As for P3, it was satisfying in its own right, although the ending left a bit to be desired (and from what I've heard, the small sequel section "The Answer" from P3FES is equally disappointing). The FeMC story holds up pretty well. The more upbeat music and the new and/or modified S. Links and dialogue make the game just refreshing and new enough that it would warrant another playthrough, although having to grind through Tartarus again is a bit of a turn off. All in all pretty satisfying stuff though.
Giant robots, fighting games, and RPGs. And shmups. Can't forget the shmups.