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StarCraft: Remastered

Updated about 8 months ago

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition
Achievements: 0 / 83 (0%)

Updated about 8 months ago

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (Collector's Edition)
On the last mission of Legacy of the Void

Updated about 11 months ago

★★★★★ Best RTS game ever made to date.
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
Greek campaign!

Updated about 11 months ago

ChristSupremacy's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
551 (U)
  386 Unplayed  
70.1% of Unfinished
47% of Total
17 (B)
254 (C)
Wishlist  206 ?         Top-Rated  60 ?????         Master Runs  0 (M)
Steam 172 (U) 0 (B) 49 (C) 261 Total
PlayStation 3 121 (U) 17 (B) 87 (C) 243 Total
PlayStation 4 104 (U) 0 (B) 11 (C) 120 Total 53 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 53 Total
Xbox 360 46 (U) 0 (B) 1 (C) 47 Total
PlayStation 2 3 (U) 0 (B) 35 (C) 41 Total
Atari 2600 0 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 25 Total
PC C O M P L E T E ! 18 Total
GameCube 7 (U) 0 (B) 9 (C) 18 Total
PlayStation Vita 9 (U) 0 (B) 8 (C) 17 Total
PlayStation C O M P L E T E ! 17 Total
Nintendo Switch 5 (U) 0 (B) 11 (C) 17 Total
Wii 7 (U) 0 (B) 5 (C) 14 Total
Epic Games Launcher 10 (U) 0 (B) 1 (C) 13 Total
Nintendo 64 4 (U) 0 (B) 1 (C) 9 Total
Wii U C O M P L E T E ! 6 Total
Nintendo 3DS C O M P L E T E ! 5 Total
Xbox 4 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 4 Total
PlayStation Portable C O M P L E T E ! 3 Total
Game Boy C O M P L E T E ! 3 Total
Nintendo DS 2 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 2 Total
Battle.Net 2 (U) 0 (B) 1 (C) 3 Total
Master System 1 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 1 Total
Dreamcast 1 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 1 Total
All Games 941 Total
?Use this field to quickly search your backlog. If you enter in a single letter, you'll get a list of all the games you own that start with that letter.
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about 12 months ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
It's probably wise to focus on getting any online PS3 trophies sooner rather than later. I don't think Sony are quite as bad as Nintendo, there will come a day when they will shut down the online PS3 servers. Unfortunately the likes of Sony and Nintendo don't really care about video game preservation and are simply interested in making money (looking at you Nintendo).

I've only been a collector since around 2019 and I enjoyed it while it lasted but recently i've found myself leaning more towards emulation for retro games.
about 12 months ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
I'm on the fence about hunting trophies and achievements. I think I might for the games I really enjoy but as much as i'd like to do it for every game I play I just don't think I have the attention span and patience to do it.

I'm feeling a lot better about my backlog now. I'm learning to walk away from games that don't grab my attention fairly quickly and focus on the games that give me the most enjoyment.

Thank you for noticing the double addition! My Steam library was too big to add in a sitting so it was done in chunks- I must have lost track of what I added in last

Accepted your Steam friend request- didn't realise I was so easily found on there, always thought people needed a friend code to add me but okay
about 12 months ago (edited)

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Leaning towards playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition PS4 (PSN) after playing AoE Though i do want to get the copy on GOG at one stage and its on Sale, great... Not gonna give in to FOMO. It was either gonna be AoE 2 or Kingdom Come: Deliverance and i do enjoy playing games chronologically too but Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a standalone game! Can't make up my mind!
I do want to clean my subscriptions on playstation after all that though, sigh.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Not really genres although I do try and mix them up to avoid burnout. I pick a game from each of the following- last/current gen console, PC, Evercade, retro console/emulate, a series I want to play through and a subscription game. Then i'll focus on those 6 games, ideally only 1 or 2 on the go at a time, especially since I throw in a sims game and another casual/endless game (looking at you Disney Dreamlight Valley). After i'm done with those games i'll pick the next 6. So far it seems to help with deciding what to play next, its much easier to pick from 6 games than hundreds.

AoE was enjoyable but not enough to make me want to sink the hours in to it right now. It is one that I quite possibly may come back to in the future when life is a little less busy and the backlog hopefully less daunting. Dredge was fantastic though and I ended up 100% completing it. It's a little but more than just a fishing simulator, but I can see that it won't be everyone's cup of tea. As for The Elder Scrolls: Arena, its not a bad game. Its just old and clunky. It's still worth a try for anyone who is a fan of the series or likes old PC games. I enjoyed seeing how the series started. I'll still give Daggerfall a go but I think my focus for that series will likely start at Morrowind.

I enjoyed the documentary.

Death Stranding... I've gone in to the game pretty much blind, I had no idea what it was about, I just knew that its sorta divided players, some really love it and others hate it. I haven't had enough time with it to make up my mind yet!
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
I bounce between games, particularly retro games, play a bit then put them back on the backlog. A habit I am now trying to break because I am driving myself crazy. Took another look at my subscriptions and ended up renewing them- there's just too much on there that i'm keen to play I've decided to try splitting my backlog up into 6 categories and picking a game I want to play most from each of those categories and those 6 games are my focus, playing each one through to completion (apart from the 2 casual/sims games that'll just be rotated out as my mood strikes) or dropped for good if they don't click with me, pick the next 6 and repeat. Seems to be working okay for me so far. Didn't get along with The Elder Scrolls: Arena last night so that has been dropped for good but i've quite enjoyed Age of Empires and Dredge this evening.

I'm only halfway through the documentary, its on my list to go back and finish when I get a chance.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
DLC / Micro Transactions doesn't bother me, it's all stuff you can get in the game anyway, if someone wants to spend their money and make Capcom richer, that's their decision.
about 1 year ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
I know that save states exist. I beat the original Super Mario Bros using save states before I picked up my NES. Unless its a 5 star game for me or I have the urge to go back to 100% it, I don't really want to be playing games multiple times, I have far too much to try and get through for that. My fondness for retro games has shifted recently. I still enjoy them, but I have no desire to beat everything I play, i'll take my fun from the game and move on. Its good for me, i'm finally learning to let games go. I used to be terrible for trying to force myself through games and just not enjoying them which ruins the hobby. Collecting too has changed for me. Its just too damn expensive and i'm running out of space anyway so now i'll only be picking up retro games that are part of my favorite series, games that i've already emulated and loved or brand new releases that i've been looking forward to.

Thank you for the reminder, i've been meaning to watch Console Wars for a long time. I'm at a point today where i've tried (and removed because they just didn't grab me enough to want to finish the games!) a couple of games from my backlog and I don't fancy playing anything else today so now would be an ideal time to watch this.
about 1 year ago (edited)

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Updated my console list from least to most amount of games.
I don't have any xbox consoles, PS1 doesn't work, i don't have a Dreamcast or Master System either.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Also, didn't know there was a Star Fox game on Atari 2600. Looks cool!
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Yeah, I don't think the joy-con drift issue has ever fully been fixed. I've recently replaced my joy-cons because they were drifting like crazy.

I ended up turning off recurring billing for my PS+ and Game Pass subscriptions. I have just too many games to get through at the moment. Nintendo Online has been paid up for the year and other household members use it for online play sometimes. I'm going to be ignoring most of the games available through it though, there's only maybe 3 or 4 from N64 that i'd like to play sooner rather than later.

I hear you with the difficulties of picking what to play next. I thought it was just me until I watched various youtube videos about analysis paralysis. The more options you are presented with, the harder it is to make a decision. I'm actually all over the place with my backlog at the moment. I had made the decision to remove anything that I didn't feel like playing anytime soon but then FOMO kicks in and I end up relisting everything I had deleted. I've just picked the oldest game from some of my systems and there are a couple of them that i'm looking at and just no longer have the desire to play. I think the way forward for me will be to give each game a chance and if I genuinely just don't like it i'll drop it from the backlog. I've never been much of a completionist but I think I want to put more time into the games I do play and 100% them so I need to focus on the games I enjoy most.

Servers shutting down are one of the things I don't like about modern gaming. Hate the idea of not being able to go back and play a game.

I actually like Nintendo. Just took my kids to see the Super Mario Bros Movie and we all had a great time. I do suck at platformers though so me and Mario don't always see eye to eye I was born in 1991 and grew up playing a handful of PC games so I missed out on Nintendo dominating the market in the late 80s. Whilst attempts have been made to catch up, it hasn't gone accordingly to plan! I've since played a lot of the classic Nintento games but damned if I can beat any! I don't have the time or the attention span to sit and try and master them. Have to admit, i'm finding less enjoyment in the retro games these days. They're still fun to dip into but I find i'm taking my fun from them and moving on and its more new games that I tend to actually finish.
about 1 year ago

Backlog Beaten: October 2, 2006
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Yeah, it's on my to-do list. A lot of the small platforms probably won't get in until the site remake launches later this year. The current backend is pretty garbage and makes adding new stuff a pain.
about 1 year ago (edited)

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Yep! I don't know why but it bothers me when they're out of order

I hear you with the sales purchases. I just did the same and added a bunch of games from Steam. Its FOMO for me that does it I think. I nulled a load of games I had bought from GOG because I just don't have the interest to play them anytime soon (if ever) but then I feel like if I don't play and beat them I could be missing out on a fantastic gaming experience. Subscriptions are hard on backlogs too. I'm in the process of adding mine back in here after deciding I was going to cancel them all then changing my mind because like you said, there's just so much on there to play!
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
I honestly don't know that much about VR past the handful of hours i've played it so I can't really comment much.

I've only recently discovered how much I love Resident Evil, I haven't played 5 yet. It was always on my to-play one day list but then I saw a trailer for Village, I picked it up day one and loved it. I've since played the original and 2 on PS1 and the remakes for 1 & 2. 4 chainsaw demo was fantastic and I can't wait for Friday! After i've finished 4 remake I intend to go right back to the start of the series and play through in release order. Still have a few to pick up but i'll get to them.

How is playing oldest to newest PS4/PC games working out for you? I have a real hard time with decision paralysis and i've tried similar but the games just don't seem to stick for me that way. I think i've finally learnt to just play whatever i'm in the mood for as trying to plan out what games to play and when just doesn't feel all that enjoyable to me. I'm sure there are plenty of other gamers it does work for though.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Yep. I would love PSVR2 but its going to have to wait several months until I have the funds. I have Oculus Quest 2 at the moment, I chose that over PSVR because I thought it would be better to be able to use it with my PC. It was all downhill from the moment they forced me to make a facebook account simply to use the headset... I've enjoyed what I played of it, I still have VR games sitting untouched that I really need to get to at some point. Its the horror games that draw me in, particularly Resident Evil and Beat Saber is great too but other than that, there aren't a huge amount of games that i'd be interested in playing either and I think that's the case for a lot of people. I don't feel like VR is destined for the dustbin, there is definitely a market for it. That market is just too expensive for a lot of people right now.
about 1 year ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Nah, it's been getting easier the more stuff I play. I'm into a lot of stuff that will never ever get a translation like old PC games, so it'll be nice once it all works out as long as I stick with it. But I've put it off for years and years now since I'd rather just play video games.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I also hope to enjoy Eat Lead, vaguely remember but the gameplay seemed solid and humor being up my alley.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Hello there, not now but i do plan on getting to Hogwarts Legacy eventually, and yeah it's upsetting that the old Harry Potter games don't have any kind of port for preservation, GOG should try to get the first 3 PC versions at least.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Thank you for the recommendations. I have used the wishlist feature on here in the past but I removed my wishlisted games in favour of switching them over to a google sheets document. I use google sheets to record any games due to release soon that I may be interested in picking up, if I don't pick them up on release I move them to the wishlist tab which I have now extended to include a tab for older/retro games that i'd like to add to my collection (price depending- retro game prices are ridiculous right now so I have no issues with emulating retro games that are out of my price range!).

Well done on making it to the top 10 in your country for Gunbound. Pity hackers have to ruin it though. Whilst I don't really play live service games, i'm a sucker for sandbox games such as the Sims series (i'm particularly fond of The Sims 2, been playing that on and off for the past 16 years!) and more recently Disney Dreamlight Valley.... I've managed to burn myself out on them for now though so its back to focusing my attention to clearing this backlog.

Speaking of which, my backlog actually needs a major tidy up. I have a bunch of games missing that I need to add. I think i'll try and fix that this weekend.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
I loved Mario Kart Wii back when it first came out. Funny you should mention it actually, I don't own it anymore but my 8-year-old asked to play it earlier this week so I think i'll be picking it up again shortly! I'm not much on an online gamer if i'm honest so i'm unlikely to bother playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online with friends. I'll occassionally play it split screen/couch co-op though! At the moment its more of a weekend game, something I can easily pick up and play handheld whilst my kids are playing on my PC & Xbox.

I am enjoying it though. I don't mind Nintendo but like I said, I don't really play online multiplayer games and tend to reserve my Switch for mostly first party Nintendo games which i've never noticed much of an issue with.
about 1 year ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Haha I don't think I'll ever manage to see that badge! :/