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Diablo IV

Updated about 1 week ago

Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries
I can say with the utmost certainty that the starting light mech sucks ass.

Updated about 2 months ago

No Man's Sky

Updated about 2 months ago

Kodan882's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
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about 2 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
So. DOOM Eternal.
At first, I actually really enjoyed the game. Was pretty badass... But by the halfway point in the game I kinda ... Got sick of it? And by the time I got to the final level, I was just DONE with it.

Every single fight ended up boiling down to the same thing. Expend all your ammo, chainsaw a weak enemy to get ammo back, kill other enemies in a hyper specific way, run out of ammo, chainsaw for ammo... Rinse and repeat.

Overall, certainly not a bad game, but one that just gets boring very quickly.
about 4 years ago (edited)

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Upon playing through it again, it feels like the last half of the Dark Brotherhood story line in Oblivion was rushed.

Everything up to the Dead Drops is fine and absolutely great, but after it kinda feels like the ending was rushed a bit. You join the Black Hand and that's... Effectively it. You get sent out on some dead drops, and then there's nothing until later.

You don't learn more about what it means, you don't officially meet anyone. Like I said it just feels rushed.
about 4 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
In retrospect, Oblivion hasn't aged that badly. The environments, items, enemy designs actually hold up to this day.

The only place where it hasn't is the character models and voice acting. Both are still as atrocious today as they were at release.

Everything else holds up pretty well imo, even compared to Skyrim.
about 4 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
So, I recently played through Goldeneye using an Emulator.
Was made aware of an emulator that was modified to allow use of a mouse/keyboard to play the game... And I gotta say, with a proper console scheme, the game is A LOT of fun.
N64 I'd give it a pass, but with the emulator? Probably worth a once through.

And shockingly, it wasn't all that difficult. Most of the difficulty in that game on 00 Agent was because of the terrible controls and low framerate on the Nintendo 64. But with the emulator, I had a blast going through it on 00 Agent.
The only difficult part was trying to beat the times to unlock the cheat codes, which I managed to do.

Completing Bunker2 in under 1.30 was both annoying and bull shit.
about 4 years ago (edited)

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Gotta say I'm re-evaluating my opinion of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. I disliked the hell out of that game as a kid. I found it way too hard, and way too confusing. Young and dumb, pretty much. (The N64 and its shit controls and poor performance probably didn't help) Only way I beat it was using cheat codes.

It actually holds up pretty well. Doesn't look that great (Doesn't look that bad either) but it plays well.

Holy HELL are some of those levels confusing though. I got stuck on level 5 for a good hour because I missed a freaking wall you can climb up so that you can access the boss room.

It also took me a good half hour to try and reach the Chronosceptre piece on level 3. Game kept bugging out and I'd fall to my death attempting to run and jump to reach the climbable wall up to the piece.
about 5 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row


The only 2 things I didn't like about the game were the controls and Gekko's.

I found using L1/R1 to aim/shoot incredibly awkward. and the inability to remap controls.

And I was unable to take the Gekko gears seriously. Like at all. THEY MOO. They're presented as a serious and dangerous threat AND THEY MOO. WHO CAN TAKE A MOO'ING ROBOT SERIOUSLY!?
about 5 years ago (edited)

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Holy shit that ending for Life Is Strange.


Joking aside, what a phenomenal game holy shit I can't believe how good it was.
about 5 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Viscera Cleanup Detail is actually kind of a dumb concept *in theory*. Cleaning up a mess? The fuck kind of "game" is that?!
But it's actually a REALLY fun co-op experience with someone else. Fully recommend that game, so long as you have someone to play with.
about 7 years ago (edited)

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Bought both Half-Life 2 Episode 1 and Episode 2 off the latest steam sale.

Episode 1 was... Not that good. It honestly felt like a shitty "What if?" fan game.

While I didn't like Half-Life 2 much, I gotta say that Episode 2 was really good. The Strider defense was actually kind of fun (Though a bit of a pain in the ass with all of the hunters) and the Ant-Lion defense in the tunnels with the two turrets was a blast.

Over-all, I'd give Half-Life 2 a 6/10, Episode 1 a 4/10, and Episode 2 a solid 8/10.
about 8 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I beat Spec Ops: The Line a while back. Holy crap! That was an amazing game.

The story was good, and it was total mindfuck towards the end of the game. That twist at the end was fucking crazy.

The gun play felt wonky at first somehow, but I adjusted fine eventually. I disliked how you could basically just run through the game solely using the M4. It really was pretty much the best weapon. Good accuracy, range and firepower. The rest of the weapons didn't really measure.

Over-all, I really fucking enjoyed Spec Ops.
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I finally beat Half-Life 2. I had to force myself to complete it, just to say I DID beat it.

And honestly... It wasn't that good of a game. The game is obviously a tech demo for Valve's Source engine, but the game completely FEELS like a tech demo.

- The graphics are decent
- The guns are awful
- The ammo limits on guns is ridiculously low
- The enemies are drab, boring and completely unmemorable, except for Headcrabs
- The environments are drab, boring and uninteresting to look at
- The map was confusing at times, making me yell "Where the hell do I go?" several times
- The vehicle sections were god awful
- The vehicles controlled horribly
- The vehicle sections went on FAR too long.
- The story was "meh", and it was spread far too thin for me to care about.

Over-all, the game was just... Mediocre. Was it bad? No. But it also wasn't very good.

Halo did everything Half-Life 2 did THREE YEARS EARLIER, and it did everything BETTER. Better environments, better and cooler weapons, memorable enemies, better vehicle sections and better vehicle controls.
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
Finally got around to finishing Persona 4: Golden. So, spoilers ahead.


Amazing game, really.

The story was top notch (Though, at first I didn't give a shit about it) and the characters were really well written. The battle system was kinda... Ehhhh... I felt it just got in the way of the story, really. Which is weird because I usually like random battles and stuff... But it... Kinda felt out of place here for some reason.

I totally guessed that Adachi was the killer pretty early on.
1) He was voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. There's no way they were get a huge name like him to voice a minor character.
2) As the characters deduced, he was always slipping hints about the case.
3) He constantly said he was bored.

Nanako's death made me cry tears of sadness
Nanako's resurrect made me cry tears of happiness.
about 10 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I have owned Morrowind for 12 years now. I literally got the game about 1-2 months after it released on the PC. And in that span, I have never beaten the game.

I had my second PC back then, and the game was SO slow and choppy, I was lucky to hit 5 FPS outdoors, with the view distance set to the minimum. Despite this? I was probably at 98% completion for the main quest, with the Fighter's Guild, Mage's Guild, the Temple and Imperial Legion completed. I had Keening, but didn't get Sunder and stopped playing after that.

That ends today. I have beaten Morrowind's main quest. Not that it was hard, really. I remembered most of the game, so I knew where everything was.