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Goombi's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
9 (U)
94 (B)
132 (C)
Wishlist  0 ?         Top-Rated  45 ?????         Master Runs  1 (M)
Nintendo Switch 4 (U) 13 (B) 8 (C) 25 Total
Wii U 1 (U) 9 (B) 1 (C) 13 Total
Nintendo 3DS 2 (U) 22 (B) 36 (C) 63 Total
Wii BEAT 6 (B) 14 (C) 20 Total
Nintendo DS BEAT 11 (B) 18 (C) 29 Total
GameCube BEAT 4 (B) 12 (C) 16 Total
Game Boy Advance BEAT 1 (B) 11 (C) 12 Total
Nintendo 64 BEAT 1 (B) 13 (C) 14 Total
PC BEAT 20 (B) 4 (C) 24 Total
Steam BEAT 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 Total
Game Boy/Color BEAT 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 Total
Game Boy BEAT 1 (B) 0 (C) 1 Total
NES C O M P L E T E ! 1 Total
Wii U Downloads BEAT 2 (B) 0 (C) 2 Total
3DS Downloads C O M P L E T E ! 2 Total
Virtual Console (WiiU) 1 (U) 0 (B) 0 (C) 5 Total
Virtual Console (3DS) 1 (U) 1 (B) 7 (C) 9 Total
Virtual Console (Wii) BEAT 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 Total
All Games 244 Total
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about 6 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Sleep: Not playing anything
Long time not updating my backlog!
2017 was a great year with the Nintendo Switch release (you know, Nintendo fanboy and stuff) along with... How do I put that... GREAT GAAAAAMES.
I'm growing up and time for games seriously took a hit (that's what prevented me from playing more Wii U games) but let's quickly review my 2017 highlights !

First, the latest Ace Attorney. Last case hurt me hard. It's usually a big plot twist with few sentimental stuff (T&T was previous record holder of feel-punching-award). But the last case of this game made me shed tears. Cannot not mention it in 2017 review.

Next Breath of the Wild: It was an amazing experience to play. Running across Hyrule on my horse, slaying Ganon's minions, looking for Link's memories... I enjoyed the game a lot and played over 120 hours!

Then a game I had in my radar for a while came out in June: Ever Oasis. It was cute, the gameplay was addicting and oasis was sooo pretty! I loved the aesthetics and the micro-management aspects like sending allies gather basic ressources while to go to harder zones to refill your shops. Definitely a game I'll replay along Fantasy Life.

Right after Ever Oasis came another game I was highly anticipating: Miitopia! And Nintendo did deliver the game I expected! The game is challenging (especially the endgame), battle tracks are so good, interactions are random and generate so much fun outcomes...

My Switch library was missing exciting games, Snipperclips was fun but for a short time only... So I searched for games I missed. And I played a game from 2010. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. I had a short but incredible time. If you haven't played it, you must give it a small try!

Fall came and I decided to try out Stardew Valley on my Switch. What a mistake. I loved it. I spent all my free time on this game, unable to stop thinking about my farm!

But later in october came Super Mario Odyssey and my farm was quickly throw in the back. I enjoyed every single second of it. Maybe the rope and volley mini-games should have stopped at 50 for the 2nd moon but besides that, that was a blast.

Personnally, 2017 was a great year. I just had one kick in the butt when my girlfriend of 4 years broke up after after our vacations. Still sad about it but you can't make a couple alone ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, 2017 was great. For my GOTY, Mario steals it without having to think it twice. Nintendo is doing great so am I.
I hope they have amazing stuff for 2018 in store!

Happy gaming yall!
about 9 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Sleep: Not playing anything
I'll finally post it. My message to Mr Iwata. I won't post it to huge social networks. The Backloggery is meant for keeping track of my gamer life and this message is fully part of it.

I've always been a Nintendo player. But one day, not so long ago maybe 4 years, I went from player to dedicated fan. I started to wait every Kirby games with anticipation, watched every Nintendo Direct I could in direct, praised Sakurai for Smash 4, screamed on announcements like Fire Emblem Fates and begged for an ambassador edition of the New Nintendo 3DS even though it was only a cover plate.
Today I'm watching over Twitter every 10 minutes to avoid missing any Nintendo related news. I jockingly said I was a Nintendoist, a religion based on Nintendo and argued with many people, defending Nintendo's ideas against all kinds of arguments.

July 2015, Saturday 11th, you left us Mr Iwata. That shocked me when I opened my Twitter feed Monday morning after we received the news. I simply couldn't believe it. That had to be a late easter prank.
When I look back two months ago, I was like "Iwata, we need you" for the E3, what a bitter taste...
One week before your passing, I had a one-in-a-lifetime chance. I saw Mr Miyamoto giving a masterclass at Japan Expo. He was like 50 meters away from me, on a stage. I thought that was the consecration of my Nintendo faith.
But your death pushed it to a whole new level. I realized that Nintendo isn't just a gaming company to me. Nintendo is a friend that always walked by me through every steps of my life since I'm 7. A friend that I'll never leave like he won't leave me. And this is why I had to post a message for you. I had to scream how painful your death is even though we never met. You meant a lot to me Mr Iwata.

I'm thinking of your colleagues and family. They must be devastated right now. Even if they won't ever read this, I hope they'll one day be able to go over your loss and watch the legacy you left for us. Nintendo made great things with you at the commands.
I'll soon run out of characters, I guess it's time to wrap it up.

I'm looking forward to what your legacy will make in the mind of the next generation, and I'll stay next to Nintendo.
Thank you for the memories. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for all Mr Iwata. You and your company contributed more than you think to my life.

May you rest in peace and watch over your family. They need you.

Your dedicated fan,
about 9 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Sleep: Not playing anything
Are you ready for a miracle?

My body is ready! :reggie:
Let's do this! DAYUM!
From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere. - Dr. Seuss