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Twilight Cathedral.

Updated about 14 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
One of the best games I have ever played no God damn question.

Updated about 14 years ago


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(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
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about 14 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
COTM was my favorite GBA CV.
about 14 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
It's a very nice 2D action platformer on the PS1. Sort of Castlevania-ish but no gothic style in the levels and you attack with a sword. First level is sort of not inviting but the game is awesome. Excellent gameplay and difficulty. Old school to death. You should try it, it's available on PSN in Asia.

about 14 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Playing the original after playing the sequel not so long ago, there are major differences that separate them. I hate not having my partner with their own HP, and I guess in a way it makes the game harder, also the 2nd introduces you to be able to not only block but give damage when being attacked.

Also the original has the same gameplay elements, while the GCN introduced the train, and Glitzvile.

Play the GCN version, it will be more fun imo.
about 14 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I've only seen one before, but it was pretty beat up.
about 14 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I didn't get to play Of Myths and Monsters. I hope I can find that soon.
about 14 years ago

Hey! You added me like 3 bloody months ago!
Goes to show how much I've been using this lovely service. I'll go voyeur mode now and peek around your collection. Catch you later good lad.
05/29/10 at 7:27 PM EDT

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Focus: Only playing one game
Hey, sorry for late reply. Been doing good. Just busy with finishing up school and been working so I have less time for fun in my life.

Haven't played Platinum but since it looks pretty much just like D/P then I would say yes, HeartGold is a lot better. Been really lazy going through HG but I've had a very fun nostalgia trip the whole way.
05/29/10 at 1:44 PM EDT

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
I've only played for an hour, but that's an accurate description

The music is phenomenal though
05/21/10 at 9:41 PM EDT

Well, your advice has been great - both the GOW games that I've played so far are absolutely amazing. I've beaten the first one and I'm pretty close to finishing the second one as well. It's a shame that I can't actually spend some more time and have some runs on both of them, since I have to return my friend's PS3.

The story is great, combat feels responsive and natural, and the characters are believable. The only porting issue is indeed, the one that you've already mentioned - the video upscaling. It's easier to notice it in the first game, but they're only a small problem - the overall experience is fantastic.

Again, thank you for your advice, it's been of great help. And what have you been up to?
05/10/10 at 5:49 PM EDT

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Badass avatar! Hector is the man. Curse of Darkness was so underrated!
04/29/10 at 7:14 PM EDT

Well, taking what you've told me into account and everything, I've decided to go for the entire trilogy. Pre-ordered the Collection and purchased the third one as well. I'm thinking that I'll be getting some good value out of it once I get back home.

Oh yes, and Lords of Shadow - can't wait for that! I've just started playing SotN today, on the original PS, and although my controller is showing its age, I'm really having a fantastic time.

Well, thanks for your advice mate! Cheers.
04/28/10 at 6:58 PM EDT

Hello there, I'm just dropping you a line to ask about your GOW collection. I'm thinking of getting that, but I wanted some sort of second opinion on it - how is the port done? Does the game still run fluently? Are there any obvious bugs/glitches that get in your way?
04/11/10 at 12:38 PM EDT

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
i really like Ecclesia too, it was a breath of fresh air, after the anime style and the recurring Metroid-vania style.(which i also like a lot, but sometimes it's better when it's simplier, or let's say the series needed a change, that happened, and make the formula fresh again)
04/02/10 at 6:24 PM EDT

Oy! congrats on beating Rondo! Did you enjoy it?
03/29/10 at 12:37 PM EDT

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Demons Souls! fantastic game
what class did you pick?
let me know if you need any pointers, it can get pretty tough
03/28/10 at 7:06 PM EDT

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Hmm... I can't access the forum or see the chat at all. Rest assured that proper justice will be served when I return.

Awesome Demon's Souls banner. How are you liking it?
03/27/10 at 9:48 PM EDT

Cursed: 10+ new games in a row
I haven't played any game in sooo long. But yes, I was enjoying it the last time I played. I'd say either is a fine choice. Origins is short but easily one of my favourites and Homecoming is a treat if you like action.

I'm loving Metal Gear Solid. I just really need to update my progress.
03/17/10 at 1:12 PM EDT

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
The unique combat system is really what makes the game. The plot kinda gets a little more developed at the end with Shannon, but the unique and fun battle system was really the only thing that kept me playing till the end. And that says something for it, because usually I shelve any RPGs whose plots don't grab my interest within the first two or three hours or so.
03/17/10 at 12:30 PM EDT

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Yeah, I was referring to the fight with him on the horse carriage at the beginning as the first encounter.
03/16/10 at 10:24 PM EDT

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
I hope you mean the second time you face death, haha. But yeah, he is kind of annoying until you figure out his pattern.
Here be dragons.