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Overlord Raising Hell

Updated about 8 years ago

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Updated about 11 years ago


Aquaserge's Status

(U) Unfinished ?No significant accomplishments.     (B) Beaten ?The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits.     (C) Completed ?For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected.
76 (U)
  60 Unplayed  
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81 (B)
61 (C)
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Steam 58 (U) 25 (B) 19 (C) 107 Total
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Nintendo 64 1 (U) 8 (B) 8 (C) 17 Total
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GameCube BEAT 1 (B) 0 (C) 1 Total
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All Games 226 Total
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about 3 years ago

that would be nice if I could clear any of them
about 8 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Heavy Rain. Now this is a game I've been waiting to play since I first saw ten minutes of Insomnia1234 stream it back in 2012. This game does not disappoint, well... other than the god awful accents from the voice actors that they hired for the game. I swear there is at least 6 different pronunciations of the word origami in that game, each more different than the last.

I was quite pleased with myself that I figured the entire psychological profile and MO of the killer, along with the identity of the killer before the game reveals it. This is a choice and consequence cinematic QTE based game, and it does it very well. Replay for the game is immense because of all the different endings you can get. I will say the very, very limited DLC "The Taxidermist" is somewhat suspenseful, however it's extreme shortness really kills it. Either way, Heavy Rain was worth the wait.
about 9 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Ah Chrono Cross. A game that has a very special place in my heart. It's where I get my internet handle from (Serge... duh), and is probably a game that I have beaten more times than any other. A masterpiece in it's own right, it has an extremely unusual and unique perspective to bring to the jRPG scene of the PS1 era. With an overly large number of playable characters, odd take on spell casting and battle system, one of the best soundtrack compositions ever made in gaming history, and a kick ass and very in-depth story to boot, it truly is a CT successor.

A lot of people argue that it isn't a sequel to CT. Now I'll probably sound fan-boyish and very full of myself when I say this, but they honestly have absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, no fucking clue what they are talking about. Now I could sit here and list all the ways they are linked together, between character cameos, direct world settings, and exact story-line connections, but honestly I would hit the post length for this comment. Saying Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger don't go together is like saying Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite don't go together. Play the game, find out for yourself, and have a damn good time doing it.
about 9 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
A very long time ago (10+ years), I started playing Chrono Tigger. I got up to about the point where you go into Magus' castle, and then I lost my save file. As a result I never picked the game back up, until recently. I must say not starting my file over and finishing the game was a big mistake. This game is amazing, and for the story to be so well fleshed out I am very impressed. Chrono Cross is still be better in my opinion, but that doesn't mean this isn't a great game. The soundtrack alone is a reason enough to play it. It also helped me understand it's successor's story line a LOT better. Up next is the little known Radical Dreamers, sort of a compliment text based game to the ending of CT and sort of an odd prelude to the beginning of CC.
about 9 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
It's been a long time since Banjo-Kazooie was released, and the game is still just as fun today as it was when I was a kid. From tunes that can get stuck in your head, to quite possibly the arguably best platform level in gaming history (Click Clock Wood). It's a shame what happened to Rare, but hey I guess we just can't have anything nice in this day and age in gaming. I haven't played Banjo-Tooie yet, and that's on the list. I just need to do Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross next. I heard Tooie is a considerably larger game than Kazooie. Looking forward to every minute of it!
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Goat Simulator has got to be one of the funniest games I have ever played. Controls can be wonky, but that is half of the fun. Whoever thought of this is either so retarded it's extremely politically incorrect to laugh at it, or they are a fucking genius. Words cannot describe the game well enough, you'll just have to go try it out for yourself. Worth. Every. Fucking. Penny.
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Been a minute since an update. Finally finished Sonic Unleashed. I gotta say, I admire their drive to try something different with the series; everyone knows it badly needs it. The "werehog" thing was an interesting direction to take it in and it had its charm for sure. It just felt very forced and gimmicky. Perhaps as a different style/franchise game with stronger focus on the fighting style game play, but to slam it into a gotta-go-fast type Sonic, just doesn't cut it. Also, the final boss/level has got to be the biggest mistake since Sonic 06. Boss fight had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the game, tons of QTEs and a new gimmick every phase change. If anything makes this game to be what most consider a stinking turd, that is it.
about 10 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Beat Thomas Was Alone, it was a delightfully pleasant game! Very simplistic in design, but the story makes it all the richer. The musical composition is A+, I could listen to it all day long. Only regret is the game is too short! While I understand they can only go so far with a story, some bonus levels that can be completed without a story to further the difficulty of puzzles would be fantastic.

All in all the game plays somewhat similar to Blizzard's "The Lost Viking", in the idea that you have to maneuver several characters around a level and work them in tandem to reach the same goal. Wonderful game design, but once you start having 4+ characters on each screen the simple tab-through system becomes extremely clunky and messes with the flow of the game. Also started to lose focus on which block the narrator was talking about once there were a larger number of characters, since they were just block it became difficult for me to keep track of each one and their name.

Switching out on various levels and not forcing you to use each block on every level was also a nice design and allows for varying levels of difficulty. That being said, due to the games length or lack thereof there was a lot of missed potential. All in all I'd give it a 4/5! Definite must buy if you get the chance and just want to relax for a little while!
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Outlast.....fucking Outlast...... I normally don't play "spook" games, nor do I normally get "spooked", but I'll say that game got the better of me. For one I found it too fucking long, but it is very well played out and the graphics make it that much more horrifying. Limited resources to light production always add for a good element, and the whole shitty night vision from a camcorder really helps. I'm just willing to bet if he turned off the damn HD recording he could get a lot more battery life. All in all, good game, but too fucking long in my opinion.
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, beat in 2.5 hours. Good game, graphics are OMFG awesome! Not sure how I feel about Keifer over David yet for the voice of Snake, didn't feel like we got enough time in the "teaser" to get to know and even associate the voice. Controls and general play style seem different enough to make a difference, in a good way though. That said, Kojima is taking it to the next fucking level, there were definitely some "NO FUCKING WAY!!!" moments. All in all, worth the $30 in my opinion knowing what is coming next. 4/5, lost a point for length, or lack there of.
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Completed Game Dev Tycoon for the 3rd or 4th time, this time on stream. Awesome thing happened on the final stream that left me giddy all night. Patrick Klug, co-founder of Greenheart Games and Game Dev Tycoon, stopped in to watch a bit of my stream!!! Personally, I love companies with good PR and ones that stay in touch with their customer base on a semi-personal level. While he was there, I made Half-Life 3:Confirmed (the game I was developing in GDT), and rather than publishing it in the end - I trashed it, further emphasizing that HL3 will never be. Apparently they put the Trash Game button in for realism, but didn't really think it would get used as such.

Anyways on the main topic, the game is amazing in my opinion especially considering this is Greenheart's first game. I really enjoy going through the years and seeing their own off brand versions of the major players (such as in the game there is Vonny Playsystem, which is a play the on Sony Playstation), and seeing accurate-ish trends of the gaming industry over the past 35 years. You even get to create your own console(s)! Hiring, training, firing of your own employees is a very nice touch too.

A major thing I noticed that seem to break away from the realism of video game development, at least from a consumer standpoint, is emphasis on certain values a game should receive in development. The values are based on what genre you choose, rather than the topic. So for the Simulation genre for instance, very little value should be placed on Dialog. Where this breaks up the realism, in my opinion, is for instance when you apply the Movie topic to the Simulation genre. In the game, this is a very good match and your scores are higher for doing so, but because it is a Simulation genre, you place very little emphasis on dialog, even though this is a Movie topic. But hey, it's a step in the right direction with the entire game alone, so it can only go up from here! Wow, that sounds a lot more cynical than it really is...

All in all, awesome game, will be playing more of and trying some mods for it after I take a break from it for a bit.

9/10: "Would play again!" - AllGames

*snickers* You deserved that one Greeneheart!
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
After a long time, I have finally beaten Mark of the Ninja. It is a great game, it really is, but I honestly couldn't enjoy it that much. Maybe it was b/c I was talking to chat over at IG the entire time, or maybe I just don't have a good feel for the controls, who knows. It really is a good game, well thought out, well executed, even though the voice acting is extremely wonky when it comes to the accents (seems like they were all Americans attempting to do various accents: Japanese, British, Australian, etc), it is still worth the buy! Thanks goes out to Biotoxin for gifting me the game.
about 10 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
And with the completion of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, I finish my Metal Gear Saga. Starting in April of 2013, I ventured through MGS3, MGS PW, MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, and finally MGS4. Again huge shoutout to Raikaru for the MGS HD Collection, it made this whole thing much, much easier. I regret not being able to play MGS Portable Ops (which falls in between MGS3 and MGS PW timeline wise), but once I get my hands on a PSP I plan to remedy that. In the mean time I have a bunch of game requests that were also gifted to me I need to get caught up on. Here's to 2014, the year of Metal Gear Solid 5, and a new voice of Naked Snake/Big Boss (Kiefer Sutherland)!
about 10 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty complete. The game has it's highlights, but Raiden's cluelessness gets old really quick. Just realized how he knew absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING throughout the ENTIRE game. Kojima made some mistakes he regrets with MGS2, but he fixed that right up quick with MGS3. Anyways, on to the final Metal Gear game in this canon, seems Kojima is going to break canon with the upcoming MGS5. This will also be my PS4 challenge, if I can beat my viewer count in 1 stream, I get a PS4! Also big shoutout and thank you to Raikaru for gifting me the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to play MGS PeaceWalker at all, and MG1 and MG2: Solid Snake without having to emulate them made things much easier.
about 11 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Just finished Metal Gear Solid! Time for some Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of the Patriots. Haven't played it in YEARS, this should be good.
about 11 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Dear god, the things people went through back in the days of the MSX2 and NES. Games were brutal back then. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake wasn't as bad as its predecessor, but still rough non the less. Getting started on Metal Gear Solid, the one that REALLY launched the franchise.

Just finished Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, the fluidity of that game is awesome. Even on normal it is a hard game, and the end boss has the potential to make someone homicidal. Decided to pick up the game after I saw Illseraec stream it a while back, and the soundtrack alone is worth it. After I beat it, the wonderfully saidistic Kimjongilia gave me the Rise of the Owlverlord DLC. The end boss for this has got to be one of the best bosses ever made. An owl, that switches between pirate and ninja mode, it can't get any better!

Gotta figure out what else to stream now, possibly Sniper Elite v2, along with the continuation of the Metal Gear Saga. Thinking about starting the Silent Hill Saga after I'm done with Kojima.
about 11 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
While the gameplay can get stale quick, Deadpool is still one hellova funny game!
about 11 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
After 95 hours, I now have my first Platinum PS3 trophy for Final Fantasy XIII. What a game, I can see a lot of the reasons people didn't care for the game. I'm able to look past a lot of them, and the story was good. It has really good potential to be a home run story, just needs a little work on depth and presentation. 7/10.
about 11 years ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
So it took me 8 hours to beat a 3 hour game. Urgh.... Metal Gear was rough, but then again back in the 80's and 90's games weren't meant to be easy. We have definitely been spoiled, if not by the overall decrease in difficulty, then at least by the amount of save locations that are available to us today. In the "good ol' days" if you died, you lost about 30 mins to an hour of progress, now you're lucky if you lost 5 minutes. On to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake!
about 11 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Just completed Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Kickass game! Next up for the saga story line is Metal Gear.
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