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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
The Rabbids are back. Oh no!

Updated about 14 hours ago

100% - Fun and entertaining though also a little janky in places.

Updated about 2 days ago

Act 2 done. Bumped up to the 2nd hardest difficulty and still steamrolling everything. Achievements: 51 / 152 (34%)

Updated about 3 days ago

Faerie Afterlight
A short one that was decidedly meh. Also not really a metroidvania despite calling itself one. Achievements: 18 / 21 (86%)

Updated about 7 days ago

Fae Tactics
A fine enough game. Achievements: 3 / 10 (30%)

Updated about 1 week ago

Two Point Campus
That last school took quite a bit to 3 star. Achievements: 31 / 48 (65%)

Updated about 2 weeks ago

Chicory: A Colorful Tale
100% - Made for a nice little game.

Updated about 3 weeks ago

Steredenn: Binary Stars
I have seen the final boss. Ow.

Updated about 2 years ago

Super Monkey Ball 2
World 7 - A better camera would be nice for some of these levels.

Updated about 4 years ago

Mercury 10/21 - All the levels that are unlocked have a spiral aimed at your face at the start. Achievements: 16 / 46 (35%)

Updated about 6 years ago

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about 3 weeks ago (edited)

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
So hey, my currently planned personal gaming project for 2024 is to line up some simultaneous game playthroughs with various people, partly so I have people to talk to a game about/compare notes with but mainly because it is generally good fun. I bring it up as I remember you asking about a potential Torment: Tides of Numenera play together... a mere three or so year ago

If you still want to try something like that at some point in the next twelve months I would make sure to put some time aside for it (I even have a better PC now on the off chance my old one might have struggled with it). If the moment has past, you lost interest or even tried a bit of it and decided it's not for you (or you'd want to take a wait and see approach) no problem, it's just something I happened to remember and figured no harm in asking.

Regardless have a happy new year!

EDIT: Neat! I'm tied up for a bit now and you got a big summer game lined up, so perhaps in the spring or fall I'll get back to you about this.

BTW FF 15 is definitely an odd game with a... let's say unique way of telling a story, but I still really enjoyed my time with it so I hope it goes as well for you.

EDIT #2: Curious what you eventually end up thinking of ITTA, I remember it solely because of a neat gif from its Steam store page but TBF it was a really neat gif

EDIT 3#: I see re: ITTA, it looked stylish but a broken dodge can really take a lot of the fun out of the equation. I know everyone complains about... well the everything else of Metroid Other M but its dodge being so busted it could make 90% of the encounters meaningless may have been its biggest... well one of its many big sins.

Ys IX is... well it starts rough and so far has been a notable step down from VIII, putting it in a city is a neat idea on paper but the knock-on effect it has on how combat is handled is problematic (as is making the raids part of the regular story progress). That said the further in I get the solider it gets.
about 10 months ago (edited)

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
I dug Inmost, admittedly it is carried by some wonderful sprite work but I found it an interesting thing to explore. It gets a bit narrative-heavy by the time it reaches its conclusion but I legit enjoyed my time with it and am glad to see someone else giving it a twirl.

EDIT: Filament was possibly my pleasant surprise game of last year (well it came out before then, I got to it last year), hope you enjoy it as well and don't go too crazy looking for patterns and such hiding in plain sight >_>

EDIT #2: FWIW I'm pretty sure the other two people I know who tried Filament ended up resorting to a guide at a certain point as well, I think many ended up digging the mechanic but the game does end up asking a lot from a player.

And yeah, Hollow Knight seems pretty swell so far even if it does make me use up an equipment slot just to see where on the map I'm at :P

EDIT #3: Someone else I knew spoke well of MO:Astray as well, so looking forward to getting around to it at some point.

BTW I'm not like doing some optional starting weapon challenge in Hollow Knight, I legit can't find where the upgrade bug is and refuse to google it. Apparently it isn't exactly hidden so god knows how I keep missing it.

Someone I knew thought Lightning Returns was the best of the XIII series, I take it you disagree on that front
about 1 year ago (edited)

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
N++ is swell but I recommend setting an endpoint for yourself (I know they updated the stage select at some point, believe I picked "complete intro and N++ sections" and considering everything else a bonus mode to check out but feel no obligation towards. I think if one wanted to go for true completion it'd require beating thousands of stages and I mean... that's crazy talk IMO. Don't be confused I dug the heck out of it, but I don't think I like any game enough to want 4k stages worth of it.

EDIT: I've watched you stalled out in N++ right near the end of the N++ section for a bit now and sorta went "yeah... I can see that." Not sure if you mean final 15 stages in terms of screens or... episodes (I forget exactly how it is broken down) but I distinctly recall the amount of time and effort required shooting up as I approached the end of that section. Good luck if you stick with it!
Gaming since 1987