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Marvel vs Capcom
A beautiful dance of color and geekdom. Where else could you get such a great mashup?

Updated about 7 years ago

Final Fantasy Tactics
contemplating whether its worth getting these optionable characters and weapons.

Updated about 9 years ago

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about 6 years ago

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Did you enjoy Far Cry 2?
about 10 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
i actually haven't played WA2 in many years. All i remember is the mind blowingly awful translation, one of the worst I've ever played from after the SNES era. I had a friend replay it recently and I asked to if it was as bad as i remember and he said "Yeah, after a while, everything just stops making any sense. You can't even follow the story." lol
about 11 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
FFXI is pretty sweet. Really enjoying it now that a friend and I are doing story content and not just grinding out gear and levels. Once you're maxed out in FFXI, it's pretty easy to see and do a lot because most of it is designed around the lvl 75 cap...and now the cap is 99. So we're tearing it up in Vana'diel. :D

So far the stories we've done are Rank (the original story missions about fighting the Shadow Lord), Rise of the Zilart (1st expansion), and Chains of Promathia. Of those, Chains of Promathia felt the most "Final Fantasy" in that you're traveling around with a static party (they don't fight with you, but they are in all the cutscenes) that's kind of gathered together for a common cause. Also, there's lots to do with the crystals in that one, and even a surprise cameo by Bahamut, Omega/Ultima Weapon, and Phoenix. :D So I liked that one the most.

Currently we're working on Treasures of Aht Urhgan, which is kind of about a middle-eastern themed country filled with pirates, ghost ships, and political backstabbing. Oh, and Odin and Alexander are there too.

Oh, she's eating a shrimp...thing?
about 11 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Why does it look like Agrias is lovingly admiring a sausage? Did I miss that chapter in FFT?
about 11 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
If memory serves, Cloud starts at level 1 and has an atrocious movement rate in FFT. Still, it's cool as hell to have him leveled up and kicking ass in your party.

Oh, and don't forget to use Move-Find on that one volcano map to get his unique weapon, otherwise you won't be able to use his Limit Breaks!
about 11 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
No, it isn't like an RPG at all. It is a linear adventure game. It's fun but it is frustrating as well. I've gotten to the last level finally. I think I've already completed this game but I'll categorize it as such once I beat it again. It's basically like fifteen dungeons or so in a row with light puzzles in each of them. You have to do fighting and platform jumps quite a bit to get through them. There are bosses as well, but, overall, it is basically an adventure game. Like Zelda, in a way, but more linear.

I love it and its sequel as well, but I am an odd duck. I'm not sure if I should recommend StarTropics or not....
about 11 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
More like "cute" than "hilarious," but yeah. I liked going through and picking out which ones were uniques (Agrias/Ramza/Reis) and which were just generic job classes.
about 11 years ago

Backlog Beaten: September 22, 2008
Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I'm quite surprised by how much I'm enjoying it! People seemed to suggest that I wouldn't like it, because I wasn't really into the first Dragon Quest. I like a good simple archaic RPG, and Dragon Quest II does it so right. It's way more my thing than the first one!
about 11 years ago

Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Is your avatar T-elos? Also love the FFT banner.
about 11 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Akai Katana is pretty good. I don't usually like horizontal shooters, but this one feels up to the usual Cave standards. If you're in the market for another one of their games, DoDonPachi Resurrection is a good choice, as well. It was only released in Europe, but the disc is region free, so you can import it and play it on your system without any issues.
about 11 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Hmm. It's been about five years since I played it, but nowadays you could just put custom firmware on your PSP so you can install the game directly to your memory stick. Makes all the difference with that system. Not sure about you, but the ungodly "whirring" noise of the UMD drive is one of the main reasons I never played any of my PSP games in the past.

Memory sticks are crazy cheap now, too.
about 11 years ago

Herald of Bak'laag: 500+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Interesting choice with setting up Ramza as a Monk. I usually make him a ninja for the dual wield ability. Do you have a PSP, by chance? If so, I'd highly recommend the remake they had on there a few years ago. It's vastly superior to the PS1 original in nearly every way.
about 12 years ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
It's a very dated game, but I'm actually glad I played it. I like playing the older RPGs, shows how they've changed/progressed since the early days.
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: May 14, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
I'm not really sure, I played them all on 360 and I'm not sure how the 360 version will be compared to the PC version, but at the same time, I don't want EA's Origin specially just for Mass Effect.

Not to mention I'd have to replay the PC versions to get my Shepard back to where it was at the end of ME2.

I never buy the games when they are full priced, specially when I know it will eventually hit the 20-30€ Euro price range and by then the hype will have died down and I will know if they fixed the ending? I only want to play the end of the trilogy for closure and from what I've heard the ending is disappointing.

(Although I'm sure I'll buy it anyway if when it's even cheaper....)
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: May 14, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
The game clock says 21 hours and I've done almost every mission, except the racing ones...

Be sure to download the extra missions! Those are pretty funny and tend to have special parts as a reward!
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: May 14, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
It's technically the sequel to Tail Concerto, it takes place in the same world and you even meet and face people from that game.

It's a "portable" action RPG with mostly short but sweet quests and side quests, the story is pretty good so far, after you beat it a whole new story begins! You get to further develop the story and learn more about the world, I haven't completed the second quest though...

It has a ton of stuff to do, collecting music, capturing bandits that have stolen photos that become part of your art gallery... Racing missions, arenas...

Apart from the racing, I'm enjoying all the side stuff, there are even special downloadable missions that are pretty neat!

I enjoyed it so much I was sad when it ended... and ecstatic to find out there is a whole second chapter!
about 12 years ago

Right Hand of Bak'laag: 1000+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Poisoned: 3+ new games in a row
Focus: Only playing one game
Thanks, love your Chrono Trigger banner!
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: May 14, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
There are probably quite a few on the 360, but one that I've played myself?

There's Deathsmiles, Guwange (XBLA), Radiant Silvergun (XBLA), Senko no Ronde... There is also some SNK shmup on XBLA, but I can't remember the name...

You can get quite a few shmups on the PSP/PS3 if you open a JPN account and get some Japanese PSOne Classics!

Also, there's the Parodius Collecetion, Gradius Collection (you already own the Salamander one), Twinbee, Star Soldier and while Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Collection is a Japanese adventure, it comes with the rarest TurboGrafx game ever: Ginga Fukei Densetsu: Sapphire.

It's pretty damn impressive for a Turbo Grafx game, you could call it it's swan song game?

Oh and I think most arcade compilations that came out for the PSP have a decent Shmup or two, SNK Classics 0 had Prehistoric Isle, but I'm sure that will be released individually on PSN?
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: May 14, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
Man, that is one lucky find!
about 12 years ago

Backlog Beaten: May 14, 2010
Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Master of Unlocking: Majority of games are completed
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
You got your hands on Mushihimesama from Cave? Did the price drop or does it still cost an arm and a leg?
Nenshoma's Backloggery