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Tranquilmonia's Status

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about 3 months ago (edited)

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Treasure Hunter: 1000+ games
Confused: Playing 10+ games at once
441 s? What happened here?

Hope you're liking Dawn of Souls so far. DoS Final Fantasy was the first FF I ever finished.
about 4 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Thank you for that. I hope it is as well. My xmas was not great if I am being honest. My family kinda treats me like I don't exist. I hope the pain can be lighter each passing year.

Oh that's cool! So far even though it took awhile to get started imo, I am enjoying DQVII a lot. Definitely play III and V. Those are so good. V probably has my favorite story in the series.

I think Mass Effect is a good recommendation for an RPG newbie. I haven't played as much as I would have liked to but I will say that the cover shooter aspect has been pretty strong in it
about 4 months ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
For sections of levels that call for more precise platforming, the whole camera switching around to different 'leader' players does make playing co-op in Mario Wonder more irksome than it needs to be tbh. It eludes me as to why there wasn't an option in the settings to lock the camera to a specific player, but hopefully that's something that Nintendo could address in a future update to the game. I will probably just stick to single-player mode for the rest of my playthrough, unless I'm directly asked to play co-op in which case there'll be nothing else for it but to power through.

I have yet to play through that particular version of RE 1, so I can't quite comment on it from a personal standpoint. That said though, based on what I know, Deadly Silence is a quality port of the PS1 original that's easier to play with the QoL changes added to it. Stuff like the map of the Spencer Mansion always being on the top screen (w/ indications of what rooms you have or haven't been to), being able to instantly perform a 180 degree turn, ability to skip cutscenes + door transitions, updated character animations, and of course the whole portability factor.

Outside of the legendary REmake, there's likely no better way to experience the horror roots of this classic series! I do wish I could've spoken for it by having actually played it at least once before myself, but as I see it it's certainly worth checking out on its own merits for someone new to RE. Just bear in mind the vast gameplay differences compared to the modern entries with the stiff controls / fixed camera angles + dialogue cheesiness inherent to OG RE 1.
Deadly Silence is surely a game I'll have to check out for myself once I get back to RE HD and play through all of Chris' campaign. It will no doubt be interesting to play through both versions and compare their many differences.

I hope this helps friend, and no problem at all! ^_^
about 4 months ago (edited)

Consider Yourself a Hero: Majority of games are beaten
Greetings now that it's 2024! Happy New Year!!

Yes, Mario Wonder has been a joy to play through so far. The inclusion of the Elephant power-up and the Wonder Flowers for each stage propel this Mario Adventure a cut above the rest, at least in terms of how it's able to break away from the standard level design conventions of previous titles such as the New Super Mario Bros. games. The aesthetic of the game overall and the animations for the playable characters are a treat coming off the tried-and-true formula we'd seen for years.
I've mostly gone through it in multiplayer mode so the difficulty for the game has been variable, with some levels such as 'Bulrush Express' in World 1 being a bit more of a hassle than it needed to IMO thanks to how the game every so often reassigns the 'leader' player and the camera changing focus to be on that player. I suppose that's just how it is in a hectic multiplayer setting, either that or me, my brother, and cousin have gotten rusty playing 2D Mario haha!

Woohoo! Awesome to hear you'll be checking out more Resi games, and I do hope that you enjoy RE HD lots once you do get around to it. I'm also planning on playing some more of the series myself sometime during the year with Resident Evil 4 (Switch ver.), which I'd got on sale the previous Summer. I've always heard it being propped up as one of the best games in the series, if not one of the best games of all time, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it holds up to its reputation.

Thank you very much, and likewise. May the Lord above bless you this year and send many good fortunes your way. Thanks again, and take care friend!
about 5 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
On Fire: 3 beat or complete in a row
Thank you that means a lot to me. Hope you have a great new years. Xmas can be hard when you lost the two people who cared about you the most.

I actually lost my 3DS charger so as soon as I found it I went back to Dragon Quest VII. It is pretty long. I am 50 hours in and I feel like I just scratched the surface. Mass Effect is a priority to beat as well mainly because a friend of mine really wants me to play it.

You're a good person