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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
3 hours played. As a big Suikoden fan, I have been really looking forward to this.

Updated about 4 days ago

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about 2 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
I'm back! haha. Sorry, life has been crazy! I am officially a father! My son decided to make an early appearance. All is well though, but not a whole lot of time for gaming these days. Mostly just TV shows and some reading. Trying to still squeeze in my few hours a week with a friend, but, we'll see how things go Hope all is well with you!

That makes total sense for Final Fantasy 16. I think now that we're a few months removed, some of the reviews are a little more balanced and less influenced by hype. It seems the general consensus is pretty in line with your thoughts. Overall, pretty good, does lose some steam. Good game, but not great overall.

That is a pretty good approach and probably something I could stand to do myself if I'm being honest. Man, that is a REALLY good deal on those figures, I'm sure they look great. I just did the conversion to Canadian dollars and that's like $68 haha. What a deal!!!

I was doing a little reading about Vagrant Story recently and it is one that I would really really like to play. I know the gameplay can be tough, and like you said, a remake doing some quality of life improvement could go a long way....but man it sounds awesome.

My friend played Sea of Stars and has been on my case to play it! From what I can tell it is absolutely amazing. Another one for the list for sure. Once it gets a physical release I'll definitely grab it. Seems like that perfect fusion of old school and new school.
about 5 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
Hey man, sorry as usual for the slow reply! Hope you're doing well!

Oh man, that is really too bad to hear! I have heard that it is a pretty good game, but now that I think about it, a lot of the talk about it really died down a month or so after it came out. Not too many people discuss it that much anymore.

Downsizing is a good call. I've been kind of thinking about doing that myself lately. Wondering if I should trim down the collection a bit and see if I can make some more space and kind of...focus it a bit more? I could probably do the same and get it down to that 200-250 number. That is really cool though man, you own some really nice figures, I'm sure in the time it's taken me to respond, you've added to it as well!

I need to get to FFT. I've had another kind of slow year with gaming, but I think next year I might try and dedicate some time to some handheld stuff. Some amazing news, my wife and I are expecting our first child next year in April, so that will certainly keep me busy, and won't leave me too much time for video games....but some handheld games I can kind of pick up and put down as little bits of time are available seems like a good way to de-stress for sure. I remember you talking about Vagrant Story, and that is definitely one I would love to dive into and a remake would be a great reason to!

Oh DAMN! Now that is exciting! It will really be neat seeing what comes next and how exactly they are connected and come together!
about 8 months ago

Minion of Bak'laag: 100+ unfinished games
I have heard nothing but great things about it as far as story and visuals and game play go! I have heard, exactly as you said, that the sidequests are not very rewarding and the big open world feels kind of empty...which seems to be the case with a lot of open worlds honestly. I'll definitely be playing it at some point! It looks amazing. That REALLY sucks that it came 5 days late though. I hope you were able to avoid spoilers.

Oh figure collecting, very nice! I have a few friends who are really into figure collecting! I know some can get really expensive, but man, some of them are so nice. I don't have any figures really, except two of the Danganronpa GoodSmile ones. Kyoko and Chiaki. I'd love to see your figure collection sometime!

My friend did say that The Answer was pretty decent story wise, but had an absolutely awful difficulty spike that made it pretty unenjoyable to play. I'm not sure how others feel about it, but he also didn't care for it. I'm glad all the other stuff is going to be there. I'm really looking forward to playing it, especially now that I have 5 and 4 under my belt!

Ya, that and Binding Blade are two I REALLY need to play. I've held off on those two hoping for official releases but if the next game is something else, I will definitely have to check them out.

FF Tactics is another one I've been saying I'll play for so long. I remember you absolutely praising it in your old YouTube videos. I might hold off a bit and just see if that remaster rumour is true, but I really do want to check it out.

Oh, please do! I'm not too worried about it as long as there are no major spoilers! I'd really like to know!
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